کتاب های انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا (APA)
کتاب های انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا (APA) شما کاربران محترم گلوبایت کتاب می توانید کتاب های انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا (APA) را پیدا کنید، به گلوبایت سفارش داده و با قیمت پایینی در کمتر از ۲۴ ساعت تحویل بگیرید.
درباره APA :
انجمن روانشناسی امریکا مستقر در واشنگتن دی سی یک سازمان علمی و تخصصی است که معرف رشته ی روانشناسی در آمریکاست .
با تعداد ۱۵۰۰۰۰ عضو این انجمن گسترده ترین انجمن روانشناسی دنیا محسوب می شود.
براساس آیین نامه ی انجمن اهداف آن پیشبرد روانشناسی به عنوان یک علم و حرفه به منظور ارتقای سطح سلامت آموزش وبهزیستی افراد است و برای محقق ساختن این مهم اهداف خاصی را دنبال می کند.
انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا در سال ۱۸۹۲ با ۳۱ عضو تاسیس شد و به سرعت پس از جنگ جهانی دوم بزرگ تر شد. امروز، APA بزرگترین انجمن روانشناسان جهان است، با بیش از ۱۵۰۰۰۰ محققان، معلمان، پزشکان، مشاوران و دانش آموزان به عنوان اعضای آن است. APA همچنین دارای ۵۴ بخش در زیر شاخه های روانشناسی است . هدف این انجمن این است که به عنوان یک سازمان ارزشمند، موثر و با نفوذ درپیشبرد روانشناسی به عنوان یک علم موثر باشد .
اهداف استراتژیک آنها شامل گسترش نقش روانشناسی در پیشبرد و ارتقاء سلامت و افزایش شناخت از روانشناسی به عنوان یک علم است. اهداف و فعالیت های انجمن روانشناسی آمریکا
حمایت از کلیه ی رشته های روانشناسی به گونه ای فراگیر و فارغ ازمحدودیت
ترویج پژوهش در روانشناسی و بهبود شیوه ها و شرایط پژوهش
ارتقای صلاحیت و ثمربخشی روانشناسان از طریق تعیین استانداردهای عالی رفتاری وتحصیلی برای آنان و در نظر گرفتن میزان دستاوردهای آنان استقرار و حفظ استانداردهای عالی اخلاق و رفتار حرفه ای در بین اعضای انجمن
ارتقا و اشاعه ی دانش روانشناسی از طریق برگزاری گردهماییها .جلسات بحث و تبادل نظر. برقراری تماس های حرفه ای و ارائه مقاله و چاپ و نشر
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تشویق, توسعه و کاربرد روانشناسی به گسترده ترین شیوه
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برخی از کتب موجود در زیر آمده است اما جهت دیدن کتب بیشتر به سایت این انجمن APA مراجعه کنید و نام کتاب مورد علاقه خود را از طریق لینکدرخواست کتاب به گلوبایت سفارش دهید.
دانلود لیست کتب موجود در APA بر روی دکمه زیر کلیک نمایید:

لیست برخی کتب موجود در APA :
۱٫ ۱
Innovative Investigations of Language in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Edited by Naigles, Letitia R.
This book addresses two broad questions: Is the variability of language development and use in children with autism spectrum disorder a function of the language or the individual?
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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Supervision Essentials for Emotion-Focused Therapy
By Greenberg, Leslie S.; Tomescu, Liliana Ramona
This book introduces a model of supervision that is founded on the same fundamental principles as emotion-focused therapy therapy: a safe supervisory alliance and relationship, an agreed-upon focus for each supervision session, and the identification of appropriate task markers.
Copyright: 2017 | Softcover
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Supervision Essentials for Integrative Psychotherapy
By Norcross, John C.; Popple, Leah M.
This book presents a form of integrative clinical supervision that is applicable to integrative and single-system psychotherapy alike.
Copyright: 2017 | Softcover
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Trauma, Meaning, and Spirituality: Translating Research Into Clinical Practice
By Park, Crystal L.; Currier, Joseph M.; Harris, J. Irene; Slattery, Jeanne M.
This book helps mental health practitioners understand the important relationship between trauma and spirituality and how to best help survivors create meaning out of their experiences.
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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When an Adult You Love Has ADHD: Professional Advice for Parents, Partners, and Siblings
By Barkley, Russell A.
This book provides practical steps for helping loved ones accept and manage ADHD and pursue paths in life where ADHD might not pose such a big problem.
Copyright: 2017 | Softcover
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Supervision Essentials for the Practice of Competency-Based Supervision
By Falender, Carol A.; Shafranske, Edward P.
This book shows readers how to identify, assess, and track the knowledge, specific skills, broad attitudes, and human values that undergird a series of professional competencies in areas such as professional values, sensitivity to individual and cultural differences, ethical and legal standards, self-care, scientific knowledge and methods, applying evidence-based practice, and more.
September 2016 | Softcover
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Handbook of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Edited by DeBord, Kurt A.; Fischer, Ann R.; Bieschke, Kathleen J.; Perez, Ruperto M.
This volume examines the diverse body of scholarship and research on sexual minority, transgender, and gender non-conforming psychology, and describes how practitioners can provide clients with flexible and affirmative mental health services.
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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Career Paths in Psychology: Where Your Degree Can Take You, Third Edition
Edited by Sternberg, Robert J.
This book helps future psychologists find their optimal career path by describing 30 graduate-level careers in academia, clinical and counseling psychology, and specialized settings such as for-profit businesses, nonprofits, the military, and schools.
Copyright: 2017 | Softcover
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Affirmative Counseling and Psychological Practice With Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Clients
Edited by Singh, Anneliese A.; dickey, lore m.
This clinical guide reviews theory-based strategies for affirmative, competent practice with transgender and gender nonconforming clients of different ages, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and religious backgrounds.
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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Conducting a Culturally Informed Neuropsychological Evaluation
By Fujii, Daryl
This book offers practical advice for developing a cultural context to better understand clients and reduce assessment bias, enhance test validity, and optimize treatment recommendations.
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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Mindfulness-Based Therapy for Insomnia
By Ong, Jason C.
This practical guide for clinicians presents mindfulness-based therapy as a new, evidence-supported, and effective treatment program for people with chronic insomnia.
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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Psychology 101½: The Unspoken Rules for Success in Academia, Second Edition
By Sternberg, Robert J.
This engaging, personable volume imparts the wisdom accumulated over one renowned psychologists’ lifetime. The life lessons are particularly tailored for early-career psychologists and graduate students.
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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The Young Eyewitness: How Well Do Children and Adolescents Describe and Identify Perpetrators?
By Pozzulo, Joanna
This book reviews the research on evidence provided by child eyewitnesses. It also describes interviewing techniques to facilitate accurate recall and lineup techniques to facilitate accurate recognition
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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Transcendent Mind: Rethinking the Science of Consciousness
By Barušs, Imants; Mossbridge, Julia
This book utilizes findings from quantum mechanics, relativity, and paranormal psychology in service of a fascinating and rigorous scientific investigation into the origins and nature of human consciousness.
Copyright: 2017 | Hardcover
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Womanist and Mujerista Psychologies: Voices of Fire, Acts of Courage
Edited by Bryant-Davis, Thema; Comas-Diaz, Lillian
This inspiring book introduces the psychologies of womanists and mujeristas (African American women and Latinas, respectively) who have a broad and inclusive approach to feminism and liberation.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Interviewing Children: The Science of Conversation in Forensic Contexts
By Poole, Debra Ann
This book presents a flexible, evidence-based approach to interviewing children in forensic contexts to reduce the ambiguities and errors in children’s responses.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Evidence-Based Psychological Practice With Ethnic Minorities: Culturally Informed Research and Clinical Strategies
Edited by Zane, Nolan; Bernal, Guillermo; Leong, Frederick T. L.
This book suggests strategies for promoting and strengthening research on evidence-based psychological practice with ethnic minority clients and highlights effective and culturally competent treatment programs.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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A Practitioner’s Guide to Telemental Health: How to Conduct Legal, Ethical, and Evidence-Based Telepractice
By Luxton, David D.; Nelson, Eve-Lynn; Maheu, Marlene M.
When providing telehealth services, physical distance can create ethical and safety challenges. Such challenges are manageable when following the best practices outlined in this book, which illustrates how to conduct mental health services via videoconferencing and other technologies.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Eliminating Inequities for Women With Disabilities: An Agenda for Health and Wellness
Edited by Miles-Cohen, Shari E.; Signore, Caroline
This book examines the widespread barriers that prevent women with disabilities from accessing effective health care and offers plans for action to improve wellness, health promotion, and disease prevention among this broad yet underserved population.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Trauma-Informed Treatment and Prevention of Intimate Partner Violence
By Taft, Casey T.; Murphy, Christopher M.; Creech, Suzannah K.
This book gives mental health professionals the knowledge and practical skills they need to provide effective treatment to individuals who engage in intimate partner violence and have a history of exposure to trauma.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Supervision Essentials for Existential–Humanistic Therapy
By Krug, Orah T.; Schneider, Kirk J.
This concise guide utilizes the key ingredients of the existential–humanistic therapeutic approach, including empathy, acceptance, and genuineness, to demonstrate how clinical trainees can create safe, collaborative, and supportive relationships with clients.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Supervision Essentials for Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy
By Newman, Cory F.; Kaplan, Danielle A.
This guide offers a comprehensive approach to supervising practitioners of cognitive–behavioral therapy, from case conceptualization to matching interventions to the individual needs of each client, to cultural competency and professional ethics.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Couple Relationships in the Middle and Later Years: Their Nature, Complexity, and Role in Health and Illness
Edited by Bookwala, Jamila
This book explores the nature and quality of today’s older couple relationships, as well as the complex links between relationships and health.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Techniques and Strategies
By Wenzel, Amy; Dobson, Keith S.; Hays, Pamela A.
Intended as a stand-alone companion to the APA video series of the same title, this volume brings together three esteemed leaders and trainers in the field to elucidate the key principles, frameworks, and therapeutic processes that are practiced by effective cognitive behavior therapists.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Empowered Learning in Secondary Schools: Promoting Positive Youth Development Through a Multi-Tiered System of Supports
By Hazel, Cynthia E.
This book presents a unique model of secondary school change that integrates the strengths-based philosophy of positive youth development with the structure of a multi-tiered system of support. The result promotes academic, vocational, social, and emotional development of all students.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Child Maltreatment: A Developmental Psychopathology Approach
By Becker-Blease, Kathryn A.; Kerig, Patricia K.
This book explains how maltreatment differentially affects children at key stages of their lives, and helps clinicians understand how to design the most age-appropriate prevention and intervention programs.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Supervision Essentials for the Critical Events in Psychotherapy Supervision Model
By Ladany, Nicholas; Friedlander, Myrna L.; Nelson, Mary Lee
This book offers a blueprint for helping supervisors navigate and overcome the most challenging conflicts that arise in supervision, and help trainees achieve lasting success.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Supervision Essentials for a Systems Approach to Supervision
By Holloway, Elizabeth L.
This book describes the dynamic interplay between various supervisory systems, including the client, trainee, supervisor, functions, learning tasks, and setting.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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The Cost of Racism for People of Color: Contextualizing Experiences of Discrimination
Edited by Alvarez, Alvin N.; Liang, Christopher T. H.; Neville, Helen A.
In this book, leading scholars examine the felt experience of being the target of racism, with a focus on mental and physical health as the result of particular racist encounters as well as across the lifespan, in addition to group contexts such as education and the workforce.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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The Dark Side of Personality: Science and Practice in Social, Personality, and Clinical Psychology
Edited by Zeigler-Hill, Virgil; Marcus, David K.
This book provides a taxonomy of personality traits that are dark, or have maladaptive characteristics, and are connected to destructive behaviors and interpersonal problems.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Confidentiality Limits in Psychotherapy: Ethics Checklists for Mental Health Professionals
By Fisher, Mary Alice
The handy checklist format of this manual guides psychotherapists through the ethical and legal limits of confidentiality and helps them discuss these limits with prospective clients.
Copyright: 2016 | Spiral Bound
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Emotion, Aging, and Health
Edited by Ong, Anthony D.; Löckenhoff, Corinna E.
This book explores the reciprocal relations between aging and emotion, as well as applications for promoting mental and physical health across the lifespan.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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An Introduction to Consulting Psychology: Working With Individuals, Groups, and Organizations
By Lowman, Rodney L.
This book provides a broad introduction to consulting psychology that reviews assessment and intervention at three levels of competency — individual, group, and organizational — including how these levels interact.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention for Ethnic Minority Children: Evidence-Based Approaches
Edited by Graves, Scott L.; Blake, Jamilia J.
This book offers how-to guidance to psychologists and counselors who assess and intervene with ethnic minority children.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Supervision Essentials for the Feminist Psychotherapy Model of Supervision
By Brown, Laura S.
This book offers a theoretically-grounded yet practical approach to supervision based on the principles of feminist psychotherapy.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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The Social Neuroscience of Human–Animal Interaction
Edited by Freund, Lisa S.; McCune, Sandra; Esposito, Layla; Gee, Nancy R.; McCardle, Peggy
This book features an international and cross-disciplinary group of authors who seek to understand human–animal interaction by applying research in the neurobiology and genetics that underlie human social functioning.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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The PsycTHERAPY Teaching Guide
By American Psychological Association
This book provides practical ideas on how to use APA’s video database of streaming psychotherapy demonstrations in a variety of classes, in clinical supervision, and in other training contexts.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Psychoanalytic Theory and Cultural Competence in Psychotherapy
By Tummala-Narra, Pratyusha
This book presents a theoretical framework that reflects the realities of clients’ lives and addresses the complex sociocultural issues that influence their experiences, identity, and psychological health.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Positive Psychology in Racial and Ethnic Groups: Theory, Research, and Practice
Edited by Chang, Edward C.; Downey, Christina A.; Hirsch, Jameson K.; Lin, Natalie J.
Acting as a bridge between positive psychology theory and research, this book focuses on four main ethnic groups: Asian Americans, Latin Americans, African Americans, and American Indians.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Internationalizing the Undergraduate Psychology Curriculum: Practical Lessons Learned at Home and Abroad
Edited by Gross, Dana; Abrams, Kenneth; Enns, Carolyn Zerbe
This book offers teachers of psychology what they need most to internationalize the undergraduate curriculum: practical ideas for the classroom, resources that connect students to the world beyond their home campus, and expert advice on how to develop and administer study abroad programs.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Addressing Cultural Complexities in Practice: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Therapy, Third Edition
By Hays, Pamela A.
This book uses rich case material and self-reflection exercises to help therapists understand the complex, overlapping cultural and social influences that make each client unique.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Ethical Choices in Research: Managing Data, Writing Reports, and Publishing Results in the Social Sciences
By Cooper, Harris
This book provides a comprehensive overview of ethical concerns researchers must face after collecting the study data.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Executive Function in Preschool-Age Children: Integrating Measurement, Neurodevelopment, and Translational Research
Edited by Griffin, James A.; McCardle, Peggy; Freund, Lisa
In this book, top scientists from a variety of fields investigate the development of executive function, a term that encompasses a range of mental processes that together regulate our social behavior and our cognitive and emotional well-being.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Humanistic Psychotherapies: Handbook of Research and Practice, Second Edition
Edited by Cain, David J.; Keenan, Kevin; Rubin, Shawn
This thoroughly revised update to the first edition highlights cutting edge research on the effectiveness of various humanistic psychotherapy approaches. Illustrative case examples containing client-therapist dialogue demonstrate how to apply humanistic principles in practice.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research, Fourth Edition
Edited by Kazdin, Alan E.
This fourth edition of Methodological Issues and Strategies in Clinical Research is intended to help students and professionals alike master a wide range of methodological approaches with which to scientifically examine clinical issues and phenomena.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover or Softcover
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Supervision Essentials for the Integrative Developmental Model
By McNeill, Brian W.; Stoltenberg, Cal D.
This book offers a comprehensive, empirically-tested approach to tracking therapist development across all levels and theoretical orientations.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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The Psychology of Democracy
By Moghaddam, Fathali M.
This book explores how psychological factors influence the presence, potential development, or absence of democracy.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Teaching Life Skills to Children and Teens With ADHD: A Guide for Parents and Counselors
By Monastra, Vincent J.
This book features practical strategies for helping children and teens with ADHD develop essential life skills such as making friends, having conversations, building confidence, and developing sensitivity to others.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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School-Centered Interventions: Evidence-Based Strategies for Social, Emotional, and Academic Success
By Simon, Dennis J.
This book presents a practical framework for delivering therapeutic and instructional interventions in schools. Readers will learn how to select evidence-based interventions and make appropriate adaptations for the school context.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Service Learning in Psychology: Enhancing Undergraduate Education for the Public Good
By Bringle, Robert G.; Reeb, Roger N.; Brown, Margaret A.; Ruiz, Ana I.
This book demonstrates how to integrate service learning in the undergraduate psychology curriculum as a valuable educational tool for both majors and nonmajors. Students learn by becoming active participants in psychology and bringing its benefits to communities.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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A Student’s Guide to Assessment and Diagnosis Using the ICD-10-CM: Psychological and Behavioral Conditions
By Schaffer, Jack; Rodolfa, Emil R.
This book provides graduate students and psychology interns with a conceptual framework for diagnosis and assessment using the ICD-10-CM. Using three detailed case examples, it teaches the fundamental critical thinking skills that are essential in real-life clinical scenarios.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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Caribbean Psychology: Indigenous Contributions to a Global Discipline
Edited by Roopnarine, Jaipaul L.; Chadee, Derek
This book seeks to promote a more unified Caribbean psychology that goes beyond a Euro-American perspective to meet the unique needs of the culturally diverse inhabitants of this region and the diaspora.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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College Teaching: Practical Insights From the Science of Teaching and Learning
By Forsyth, Donelson R.
This book mines the science of teaching and learning for strategies to help college professors align every aspect of their teaching, from planning and course delivery through assessment, with their desired educational outcomes and overall purpose for teaching.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Play Therapy in Middle Childhood
Edited by Drewes, Athena A.; Schaefer, Charles E.
This book helps therapists provide developmentally appropriate, effective play therapy for children ages 6 to 12. The interventions address internalizing disorders, externalizing disorders, relational deficits, and autism spectrum disorder.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Supervision Essentials for Psychodynamic Psychotherapies
By Sarnat, Joan E.
This book describes the theoretical and empirical basis for a relational model of psychodynamic supervision, and offers specific recommendations for addressing typical problems related by beginning, intermediate, and advanced supervisees.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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The Myth of Racial Color Blindness: Manifestations, Dynamics, and Impact
Edited by Neville, Helen A.; Gallardo, Miguel E.; Sue, Derald Wing
In this edited volume, social scientists dissect the concept of color-blind racial ideology, the widely-held belief that skin color does not affect interpersonal interactions, and that interpersonal and institutional racism therefore no longer exists in America.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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The Expert Expert Witness: More Maxims and Guidelines for Testifying in Court, Second Edition
By Brodsky, Stanley L.; Gutheil, Thomas G.
This extensive revision of the classic guide continues to educate and entertain mental health professionals who are called as expert witnesses, teaching them simple, effective strategies for direct and cross-examination.
Copyright: 2016 | Softcover
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The Human Elements of Psychotherapy: A Nonmedical Model of Emotional Healing
By Elkins, David N.
This book presents a nonmedical model of psychotherapy — one that places human connection and social interaction at the center and moves modalities and techniques to the periphery.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Managing Therapy-Interfering Behavior: Strategies From Dialectical Behavior Therapy
By Chapman, Alexander L.; Rosenthal, M. Zachary
This book is a vital tool for clinicians to help identify and manage therapy-interfering behavior using a dialectical behavior therapy framework.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Foundations of Multicultural Psychology: Research to Inform Effective Practice
By Smith, Timothy B.; Trimble, Joseph E.
To what extent are existing assumptions about culturally competent mental health practice based on research data? The authors expertly summarize the existing research to empirically address the major challenges in the field.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Clinical Decision Making in Mental Health Practice
Edited by Magnavita, Jeffrey J.
This book applies the theory and research of decision analytics to the field of mental health, with particular focus on how to improve clinical decision making.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Forgiveness and Spirituality in Psychotherapy: A Relational Approach
By Worthington, Everett L. Jr.; Sandage, Steven J.
This book explains when forgiveness and spiritual transformation might be appropriate clinical goals, as well as how to facilitate these processes in psychotherapy.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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Behavioral Interventions in Cognitive Behavior Therapy: Practical Guidance for Putting Theory Into Action, Second Edition
By Farmer, Richard F.; Chapman, Alexander L.
This book offers a detailed, step-by-step guide to behavioral interventions in cognitive behavior therapy. This fully updated edition features new chapters on enhancing interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulation, and navigating difficult therapeutic challenges.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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The Psychologically Healthy Workplace: Building a Win-Win Environment for Organizations and Employees
Edited by Grawitch, Matthew J.; Ballard, David W.
This book examines the complex interplay between employees and management, to determine how a psychologically healthy workplace is constructed and maintained.
Copyright: 2016 | Hardcover
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ADHD Coaching: A Guide for Mental Health Professionals
By Prevatt, Frances; Levrini, Abigail
This book describes the underlying principles as well as the nuts and bolts of ADHD coaching.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Emotion-Focused Therapy: Coaching Clients to Work Through Their Feelings, Second Edition
By Greenberg, Leslie S.
Incorporating the latest theory and research, this second edition presents a comprehensive overview of emotion-focused therapy – a treatment that helps clients identify, experience, accept, explore, interpret, transform, and flexibly manage their emotions.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Ethical Dilemmas in Psychotherapy: Positive Approaches to Decision Making
By Knapp, Samuel J.; Gottlieb, Michael C.; Handelsman, Mitchell M.
This book describes an easily applied decision-making process based on positive ethics and bolstered by numerous case examples that will help psychotherapists reach the best solutions possible.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Not So Abnormal Psychology: A Pragmatic View of Mental Illness
By Miller, Ronald B.
This text offers a pragmatic and compassionate approach that can revolutionize readers’ understanding of abnormal psychology.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Psychological Testing of Hispanics, Second Edition: Clinical, Cultural, and Intellectual Issues
Edited by Geisinger, Kurt F.
Fully revised to take into account a new generation of assessment research as well as the dynamic changes within America’s Hispanic community, this book provides an up-to-date overview of the clinical testing of Hispanic clients.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Psychotherapy Case Formulation
By Eells, Tracy D.
This concise and engaging primer helps beginning therapists systematically organize their thoughts and ideas about a client, using an evidence-based approach to case formulation.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Pediatric Sleep Problems: A Clinician’s Guide to Behavioral Interventions
By Meltzer, Lisa J.; Crabtree, Valerie McLaughlin
This book presents highly effective behavioral interventions for common pediatric sleep problems such as refusal to go to bed, sleep anxiety, insomnia, frequent waking, delayed circadian rhythm, night terrors, nocturnal enuresis and encopresis, and more.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Your Practicum in Psychology: A Guide for Maximizing Knowledge and Competence, Second Edition
Edited by Matthews, Janet R.; Walker, C. Eugene
This book prepares students for field placement in mental health settings by providing a wide range of both practical and theoretical information.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Self-Regulated Learning Interventions With At-Risk Youth: Enhancing Adaptability, Performance, and Well-Being
Edited by Cleary, Timothy J.
This book describes how teachers and other practitioners who work with at-risk students can help them dramatically improve planning, goal-setting, and self-monitoring — self-regulatory skills that are often lacking in students with cognitive, physical, mental health, and environmental challenges.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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A Concise Guide to Personality Disorders
By Paris, Joel
This book reviews what is known and what is not known about personality disorders, and what this implies for clinical practice.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Person-Centered Care for Mental Illness: The Evolution of Adherence and Self-Determination
Edited by Corrigan, Patrick W.
This book explains the public health benefits of a consumer-driven model of mental health care and describes evidence-based practices for helping people choose treatments that best fit their own goals and social context.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Handbook of Adolescent Drug Use Prevention: Research, Intervention Strategies, and Practice
Edited by Scheier, Lawrence M.
The goal of this book is to help researchers, practitioners, and policy makers prevent drug abuse, primarily among adolescents who either have not used drugs before or have just started using them.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Happy Together: Thriving as a Same-Sex Couple in Your Family, Workplace, and Community
By Rostosky, Sharon S.; Riggle, Ellen D. B.
Filled with positive, life-affirming stories and coping strategies, this resource will help same-sex couples deal effectively with the daily challenges and stresses of homophobia within their family, workplace, and community.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Implementation of Mental Health Programs in Schools: A Change Agent’s Guide
By Forman, Susan G.
This book explains how to successfully implement mental health programs in schools by summarizing the research on implementation science and translating it into practice.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Studying Ethnic Identity: Methodological and Conceptual Approaches Across Disciplines
Edited by Santos, Carlos E.; Umaña-Taylor, Adriana J.
In this book, social and applied scientists from a wide range of fields investigate the process by which ethnic identity is formed and maintained throughout the lifespan.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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The Psychology of Law: Human Behavior, Legal Institutions, and Law
By Sales, Bruce D.; Krauss, Daniel A.
With a few notable exceptions, most legal research undertaken by psychologists has had a minimal impact upon law and public policy in the United States. This book diagnoses and offers a blueprint for correcting this fundamental problem.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Transcultural Competence: Navigating Cultural Differences in the Global Community
By Glover, Jerry; Friedman, Harris L.
This book provides a framework for addressing cultural conflicts within organizations, not just for consulting and organizational psychology practitioners, but for a broad spectrum of professionals, executives, and community leaders.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Using Feedback in Organizational Consulting
By Gregory, Jane Brodie; Levy, Paul E.
This book presents easy-to-use, evidence-based strategies for providing effective feedback to improve communication and performance in the workplace.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Violent Offenders: Appraising and Managing Risk, Third Edition
By Harris, Grant T.; Rice, Marnie E.; Quinsey, Vernon L.; Cormier, Catherine A.
This update of a classic in actuarial assessment introduces the Violence Risk Appraisal Guide, a revamp of previous measures that help legal and forensic professionals identify recidivism risk for violent offenders.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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APA Dictionary of Psychology, Second Edition
By American Psychological Association
This second edition of a landmark reference resource offers definitive information on the lexicon of the field of psychology.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Forensic Evaluation and Treatment of Juveniles: Innovation and Best Practice
By Salekin, Randall T.
This book guides forensic clinicians through the psychological assessment of juvenile offenders, exploring how to assess adolescent veracity in reporting, personality and pathology, developmental maturity, risk for dangerous behavior, and treatment amenability.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Personality Disorders: Toward Theoretical and Empirical Integration in Diagnosis and Assessment
Edited by Huprich, Steven K.
This groundbreaking book offers a comprehensive examination of personality disorders, from conceptual and theoretical concerns to the practical problems faced by assessing clinicians.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Using the MMPI–۲ in Forensic Assessment
By Butcher, James N.; Hass, Giselle A.; Greene, Roger L.; Nelson, Linda D.
This practical guide explains how forensic psychologists can successfully use the MMPI–۲ to evaluate clients in various forensic contexts and present results to attorneys and judges.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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How to Publish High-Quality Research
By Joireman, Jeff; Van Lange, Paul A. M.
This book offers an integrative framework and a set of corresponding tools for publishing high quality research in the social and behavioral sciences.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Gestalt Therapy
By Wheeler, Gordon; Axelsson, Lena
This book provides an introduction to the theory, historical evolution, research, and practice of Gestalt therapy, an approach that inspires an active, present-focused, relational stance on the part of the therapist.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Forgiveness Therapy: An Empirical Guide for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope
By Enright, Robert D.; Fitzgibbons, Richard P.
This book provides a comprehensive, empirical introduction for clinicians who are interested in incorporating forgiveness therapy into their practice.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Treatment of Late-Life Depression, Anxiety, Trauma, and Substance Abuse
Edited by Areán, Patricia A.
This collection of best practices in geropsychology addresses the competencies therapists need to work with older adults. Authors use the latest evidence base to advance effective treatments for late-life depression, anxiety disorders, trauma, and substance use disorders.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy for Trauma
Edited by Walker, Donald F.; Courtois, Christine A.; Aten, Jamie D.
This book describes how to incorporate client’s spirituality into therapy when helping them process trauma or traumatic memories stemming from rape, abuse, war, natural disaster, or complex trauma.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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A Practical Guide to PTSD Treatment: Pharmacological and Psychotherapeutic Approaches
Edited by Bernardy, Nancy C.; Friedman, Matthew J.
This concise clinical guide shows mental health practitioners how psychotherapy and pharmacological approaches can be used together to treat PTSD.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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Interdisciplinary Frameworks for Schools: Best Professional Practices for Serving the Needs of All Students
By Wise Berninger, Virginia
This comprehensive, landmark guide presents an evidence-based approach to assessment and instruction in K–۱۲ education that takes into account individual differences in students.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Premature Termination in Psychotherapy: Strategies for Engaging Clients and Improving Outcomes
By Swift, Joshua K.; Greenberg, Roger P.
This book offers pragmatic, research-based strategies that practitioners can employ to reduce client dropout rates and improve outcomes.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Psychological Practice With Women: Guidelines, Diversity, Empowerment
Edited by Enns, Carolyn Zerbe; Rice, Joy K.; Nutt, Roberta L.
This book presents and illustrates practice guidelines for working with diverse groups of women.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Write It Up: Practical Strategies for Writing and Publishing Journal Articles
By Silvia, Paul J.
This book reveals how productive researchers plan, strategize, and write compelling articles that influence their field and provides tips for picking journals, cultivating tone and style, and managing collaborative projects.
Copyright: 2015 | Softcover
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The Lives of LGBT Older Adults: Understanding Challenges and Resilience
Edited by Orel, Nancy A.; Fruhauf, Christine A.
This book uses a life course perspective to explore not only the challenges and needs of LGBT older adults, but also their strengths and resilience.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Prevention Psychology: Enhancing Personal and Social Well-Being
By Romano, John L.
This book provides a broad overview of the science and practice of prevention, including practical guidance for developing, implementing, and evaluating prevention programs.
Copyright: 2015 | Hardcover
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Taking Control of Anxiety: Small Steps for Getting the Best of Worry, Stress, and Fear
By Moore, Bret A.
This concise how-to book teaches you to manage everyday stress and anxiety or a severe chronic condition such as panic, posttraumatic stress, or overwhelming worry, so you can relax and enjoy life.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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Single-Case Intervention Research: Methodological and Statistical Advances
Edited by Kratochwill, Thomas R.; Levin, Joel R.
This text is a compendium of tools and information for researchers considering single-case design research, a newly viable and often essential methodology in applied psychology, education, and related fields.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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On Becoming a Better Therapist, Second Edition: Evidence-Based Practice One Client at a Time
By Duncan, Barry L.
This book details a five-step plan for therapists to take charge of personal and professional development, stave off disenchantment, and remain a vital force for change in clients’ lives.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Parenting Coordination in Postseparation Disputes: A Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners
By Higuchi, Shirley Ann; Lally, Stephen J.
This one-stop text contains all the information legal and mental health providers need to manage high-conflict custody disputes outside of the courts.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Handbook of Psychotherapy and Religious Diversity, Second Edition
By Richards, P. Scott; Bergin, Allen E.
This book provides psychotherapists both background knowledge and clinical guidelines for working effectively and sensitively with clients from the major religious faiths in the United States.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Effects of Parental Incarceration on Children: Cross-National Comparative Studies
By Murray, Joseph; Bijleveld, Catrien C. J. H.; Farrington, David P.; Loeber, Rolf
This book uses state-of-the-art research methods to illuminate the impact of parental incarceration on child development, exploring clinical, policy, and research implications.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Clinical Neuropsychology: A Pocket Handbook for Assessment, Third Edition
Edited by Parsons, Michael W.; Hammeke, Thomas A.
This bestselling, comprehensive assessment guide has been thoroughly updated to reflect the latest changes in the rapidly maturing field of clinical neuropsychology.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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Counseling Psychology, Third Edition
By Gelso, Charles J.; Williams, Elizabeth Nutt; Fretz, Bruce R.
Providing a detailed, engaging overview of counseling psychology, this book examines its empirical foundations, its guiding principles, and the methods used in both research and practice.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Treating PTSD With Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies: Interventions That Work
By Monson, Candice M.; Shnaider, Philippe
This compact, clinician-friendly resource walks readers through cognitive behavioral techniques and treatment packages for clients with PTSD, using case studies to illustrate how to troubleshoot common problems.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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Coping With Infertility, Miscarriage, and Neonatal Loss: Finding Perspective and Creating Meaning
By Wenzel, Amy
This wise, compassionate book teaches proven strategies for coping with pregnancy loss and infertility, allowing readers to break out of the cycle of sadness and rumination and heal with grace and dignity.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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Organizational Change Through Individual Empowerment: Applying Social Psychology in Prisons and Policing
By Toch, Hans
This incisive retrospective by social psychologist Hans Toch surveys the author’s groundbreaking work among police, corrections officers, and inmates, to investigate the psychologist’s role in promoting participatory change.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Multiculturalism and Diversity in Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach
By Falender, Carol A.; Shafranske, Edward P.; Falicov, Celia J.
This practical guide presents a model for developing multicultural competence within supervision. The model emphasizes self-assessment to define the cultural niche of each member of the supervision triad (therapist, client, and supervisor).
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Parenting Children With ADHD: 10 Lessons That Medicine Cannot Teach, Second Edition
By Monastra, Vincent J.
This guidebook shows readers how to obtain a comprehensive ADHD evaluation, school accommodations, and the ways medication, attention training, and parenting techniques can promote the success of children with ADHD.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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Psychological Testing That Matters: Creating a Road Map for Effective Treatment
By Bram, Anthony D.; Peebles, Mary Jo
This groundbreaking book offers a person- and treatment-centered approach to psychological testing, as opposed to the more common test-centered approach. The result is a clinically nuanced and robust approach to inference making and data synthesis.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Helping Skills: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action, Fourth Edition
By Hill, Clara E.
New material in this 4th edition includes chapters on self-awareness and cultural awareness, a glossary, additional methods for challenging clients, and summaries of empirical studies.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Autism Spectrum Disorder in Children and Adolescents: Evidence-Based Assessment and Intervention in Schools
Edited by Wilkinson, Lee A.
This book offers practical, research-based information on the challenges facing educators and schools in identifying and delivering services to students with autism spectrum disorder.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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A Primer for ICD-10-CM Users: Psychological and Behavioral Conditions
By Goodheart, Carol D.
This book provides clinicians with a brief introduction to the World Health Organization’s ICD-10-CM and readies them for upcoming revisions, including the transition to the ICD-11.
Copyright: 2014 | Spiral Bound
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Decision Making in Behavioral Emergencies: Acquiring Skill in Evaluating and Managing High-Risk Patients
By Kleespies, Phillip M.
This book is about developing the skills and attitudes needed to practice competently when assessing and working with patients who are at risk for suicide, violence, or victimization.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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The Neuroscience of Risky Decision Making
Edited by Reyna, Valerie F.; Zayas, Vivian
This book advances basic understanding and scientific theory about the brain mechanisms underlying risky decision making, paving the way for translation of science into practice and policy.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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The Marriage Checkup Practitioner’s Guide: Promoting Lifelong Relationship Health
By Cordova, James V.
This book teaches clinicians how to conduct a Marriage Checkup — a short, two-session, assessment and feedback relationship health check designed to help couples foster intimacy and confront their problems on an annual basis.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Universal Screening in Educational Settings: Evidence-Based Decision Making for Schools
Edited by Kettler, Ryan J.; Glover, Todd A.; Albers, Craig A.; Feeney-Kettler, Kelly A.
This book provides evidence-based guidance for selecting or developing, implementing, and interpreting universal screening instruments in educational settings.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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The Stigma of Disease and Disability: Understanding Causes and Overcoming Injustices
Edited by Corrigan, Patrick W.
The lives of people with disease and disability are harmed not only by their conditions but by public response to these conditions in the form of stigma and discrimination. Making sense of this injustice is the focus of this book.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Assessing Bilingual Children in Context: An Integrated Approach
Edited by Clinton, Amanda B.
This book explores the interplay between factors impacting English language learners and considers implications for assessment. It advocates for an integrated assessment of bilingual children that considers multiple influences.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Educational Evaluations of Children With Special Needs: Clinical and Forensic Considerations
By Breiger, David; Bishop, Kristen; Benjamin, G. Andrew H.
This book is a step-by-step guide describing how to perform an independent educational evaluation for children with special needs. Chapters provide crucial suggestions for how to navigate conflict between parents and school officials.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Clinical Guide for General Practitioners
By Durand, V. Mark
This book helps clinicians screen for autism spectrum disorder (ASD), treat higher functioning individuals with ASD, and assist family members. It surveys historical views of the disorder, current diagnostic criteria, co-occurring conditions, etiology, epidemiology, assessment, treatment for affected individuals, and interventions for family members.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Culture Reexamined: Broadening Our Understanding of Social and Evolutionary Influences
Edited by Cohen, Adam B.
This book brings readers up to date on the newest avenues in the study of culture in psychology by focusing on different forms of culture and processes of cultural transmission, and the evolutionary origins of culture.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Psychotherapy Theories and Techniques: A Reader
Edited by VandenBos, Gary R.; Meidenbauer, Edward; Frank-McNeil, Julia
Intended for students and practitioners, this volume provides a unique look at contemporary psychotherapy theory and the specific interventions associated with each orientation.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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Treatment Integrity: A Foundation for Evidence-Based Practice in Applied Psychology
Edited by Sanetti, Lisa M. Hagermoser; Kratochwill, Thomas R.
Treatment integrity is the extent to which an intervention is implemented as intended. This book presents the latest thinking on how treatment integrity contributes to evidence-based practice in educational, community, and healthcare settings.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Train Your Mind for Peak Performance: A Science-Based Approach for Achieving Your Goals
By Bourne, Lyle E. Jr.; Healy, Alice F.
Regardless of what subject or skill you’re learning, you can maximize your training for higher levels of performance. This book shares practical tips to help you learn quickly, remember what you learn, and apply it to real-world performance.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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The Power of Metaphor: Examining Its Influence on Social Life
Edited by Landau, Mark J.; Robinson, Michael D.; Meier, Brian P.
This book explores the possibility that metaphor is a cognitive tool that people routinely use to understand abstract concepts in terms of superficially dissimilar concepts that are relatively easier to comprehend.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Pretend Play in Childhood: Foundation of Adult Creativity
By Russ, Sandra W.
This book reviews the theory and research on pretend play and creativity, including cognitive and affective processes involved in play and creativity, possible evolutionary purposes of play, and its cultural variations.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Attachment-Based Family Therapy for Depressed Adolescents
By Diamond, Guy S.; Diamond, Gary M.; Levy, Suzanne A.
Attachment-based family therapy is the only empirically supported family therapy model designed to treat adolescent depression. This book describes clinical strategies for therapists, as well as the theoretical basis of the approach and the evidence base that supports it.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Geographical Psychology: Exploring the Interaction of Environment and Behavior
Edited by Rentfrow, Peter J.
Geographical psychology focuses on how ecological, climatic, and psychological factors all contribute or are related to a variety of social indicators, such as health and morbidity, well-being, crime rates, identity, creativity, and community orientation.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Trauma and Substance Abuse: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment of Comorbid Disorders, Second Edition
Edited by Ouimette, Paige; Read, Jennifer P.
This book, newly revised to include special settings (such as court systems and disasters) and special populations (such as veterans), clarifies issues specific to trauma, PTSD, and substance abuse and translates quantitative and qualitative data into recommendations for clinicians, researchers, and administrators.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Mechanisms of Social Connection: From Brain to Group
Edited by Mikulincer, Mario; Shaver, Phillip R.
This book is an interdisciplinary exploration of how social connections are expressed at the neurological, developmental, dyadic, and group levels.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Medical Family Therapy and Integrated Care, Second Edition
By McDaniel, Susan H.; Doherty, William J.; Hepworth, Jeri
This thorough update of a classic text describes the impact of recent economic and structural changes in health care on the role of the medical family therapist, and how medical and mental health providers can learn to collaborate in various settings.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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۲۵ Lessons in Mindfulness: Now Time for Healthy Living
By Ameli, Rezvan
This book presents a practical, step-by-step approach for establishing your own mindfulness practice. You will learn to be mindful of your breath, sounds, sights, tastes, movements, physical sensations, thoughts, and feelings as you maintain a compassionate attitude toward yourself and others.
Copyright: 2014 | Softcover
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Exploring Three Approaches to Psychotherapy
By Greenberg, Leslie S.; McWilliams, Nancy; Wenzel, Amy
This book gives readers in-depth analysis of what occurs in cognitive, emotion-focused, and psychoanalytic therapy orientations.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover or Softcover
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Couple and Family Therapy: An Integrative Map of the Territory
By Lebow, Jay
This book surveys the state of the science and practice of today’s couple and family therapy, looking beyond single models of treatment to instead present an integrative view of the field and its methods of practice.
Copyright: 2014 | Hardcover
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Families of Children With Developmental Disabilities: Understanding Stress and Opportunities for Growth
By Carroll, David W.
This book synthesizes research from a wide variety of disciplines to help developmental and family psychologists support families of children with disabilities and address the many challenges and stressors that these families face.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Building Psychological Resilience in Military Personnel: Theory and Practice
Edited by Sinclair, Robert R.; Britt, Thomas W.
This book investigates the essential role of resilience in the mental health of military personnel and evaluates existing programs for developing and maintaining resilience in various branches of the armed forces.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Internet Sex Offenders
By Seto, Michael C.
This book examines the use and contribution of the internet to sexual crimes, including the creation and dissemination of child pornography, and online and offline solicitation efforts leading to contact offenses such as rape and sexual assault.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Strategic Decision Making in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
By Wenzel, Amy
This book describes strategic decision making, a flexible yet evidenced-based approach to making clinical decisions in order to move treatment forward in cognitive behavioral therapy.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Principles of Forensic Report Writing
By Karson, Michael; Nadkarni, Lavita
This book explores the psychology of report writing, including the motivations of readers and writers, communicative and performative concerns, and the cognitive science that applies to the process.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Human Information Processing: Vision, Memory, and Attention
Edited by Chubb, Charles; Dosher, Barbara A.; Lu, Zhong-Lin; Shiffrin, Richard M.
This book explains how humans process, retain and learn from sensory information. Citing recent research and using new computational models and methodologies, cognitive experts describe how vision, memory and attention interconnect to influence human information processing.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Beyond Significance Testing: Statistics Reform in the Behavioral Sciences, Second Edition
By Kline, Rex B.
This book explains the problems with significance testing and introduces readers to alternative methods, especially effect size and confidence interval estimation.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Neuropsychological Assessment and Intervention for Youth: An Evidence-Based Approach to Emotional and Behavioral Disorders
Edited by Reddy, Linda A.; Weissman, Adam S.; Hale, James B.
This book is the first comprehensive text that bridges the gap between neuropsychological assessment and intervention for children and adolescents with prevalent emotional and behavioral disorders.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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The Best Within Us: Positive Psychology Perspectives on Eudaimonia
Edited by Waterman, Alan S.
Enriching our understanding of happiness and well-being, this book explores the ways in which the philosophic concept of eudaimonism is embodied in psychological theory and research. Contributors discuss optimal functioning in individuals and communities, emphasizing human strengths and the fulfillment of potentials.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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That’s So Gay!: Microaggressions and the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Community
By Nadal, Kevin L.
This book examines the nature and effects of microaggressions, or subtle forms of discrimination, toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover or Softcover
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The Psychology of Meaning
Edited by Markman, Keith D.; Proulx, Travis; Lindberg, Matthew J.
This book explores the multifaceted nature of this highly subjective construct. Contributors to this volume examine the phenomenological, empirical, and clinical aspects of people’s reactions to the loss of meaning, to uncertainty, and to meaning violations.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Internationalizing Multiculturalism: Expanding Professional Competencies in a Globalized World
Edited by Lowman, Rodney L.
This book argues that professionals in all fields can enhance both their multicultural and international competence to perform more effectively. The chapters discuss real-world applications in business, mental health, and education.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Cognition and Brain Development: Converging Evidence From Various Methodologies
Edited by Kar, Bhoomika Rastogi
The international contributors to this book present the latest advances in the science of cognitive development, using convergent methodologies derived from behavioral experimentation, electrophysiology, eye-tracking, genetics, and neuroimaging studies.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Controversy in the Psychology Classroom: Using Hot Topics to Foster Critical Thinking
Edited by Dunn, Dana S.; Gurung, Regan A. R.; Naufel, Karen Z.; Wilson, Janie H.
Well-chosen, controversial issues can engage students’ interest in course material and show them how to appreciate, evaluate, and apply empirical findings to the analysis of human behavior. This book offers pedagogical tools for navigating controversial issues in the classroom and suggests fruitful topics.
Copyright: 2013 | Softcover
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Activities for Teaching Positive Psychology: A Guide for Instructors
Edited by Froh, Jeffrey J.; Parks, Acacia C.
This book helps teachers bring positive psychology into the classroom with a series of hands-on activities presented by contributors who are experienced teachers and leading scholars in their topic areas.
Copyright: 2013 | Softcover
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Health and Social Relationships: The Good, The Bad, and The Complicated
Edited by Newman, Matthew L.; Roberts, Nicole A.
This book examines the psychological and physiological linkages between health and social relationships. It also offers clinical implications, such as how to foster good social relationships in our personal lives and in our communities at large.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Presurgical Psychological Screening: Understanding Patients, Improving Outcomes
Edited by Block, Andrew R.; Sarwer, David B.
This book presents presurgical psychological screening procedures for a wide range of surgery types, as well as techniques for communicating results and identifying possible pre- or postsurgery interventions to mitigate risk factors.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Understanding and Treating Pathological Narcissism
Edited by Ogrodniczuk, John S.
This book provides a comprehensive guide to the clinical treatment of narcissistic patients. The chapter authors demonstrate that narcissism is an eminently treatable disorder that can be approached using a variety of therapeutic models.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Spiritual Interventions in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy
Edited by Walker, Donald F.; Hathaway, William L.
This book presents guidance for integrating spiritual interventions in psychotherapy with children and their families. Case studies are included, and ethical issues are given special consideration.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Authoritative Parenting: Synthesizing Nurturance and Discipline for Optimal Child Development
Edited by Larzelere, Robert E.; Morris, Amanda Sheffield; Harrist, Amanda W.
This book updates the thinking about authoritative parenting, which combines high levels of both responsiveness and demandingness. The book demonstrates the style’s effectiveness in fostering high achievement, emotional adjustment, self-reliance, and social confidence in children and adolescents.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use in the Workforce and Workplace
By Frone, Michael R.
This authoritative book examines what we know and don’t know about workforce and workplace substance involvement, including popular myths about the prevalence, causes, and productivity outcomes of employee substance use.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Caregiver Family Therapy: Empowering Families to Meet the Challenges of Aging
By Qualls, Sara Honn; Williams, Ashley A.
This book presents Caregiver Family Therapy, a systemic model for treating families that care for an older adult. Three core processes help caregiving family members identify problems, structure caregiver roles to address the problems, and ensure caregiver self-care.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Internships in Psychology: The APAGS Workbook for Writing Successful Applications and Finding the Right Fit, Third Edition
By Williams-Nickelson, Carol; Prinstein, Mitchell J.; Keilin, W. Gregory
This updated third edition provides doctoral-level psychology students with all of the resources needed to successfully navigate the internship application process, including helpful checklists and sample essays.
Copyright: 2013 | Softcover
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Testifying in Court: Guidelines and Maxims for the Expert Witness, Second Edition
By Brodsky, Stanley L.
This second edition of a classic, bestselling text is a user-friendly collection of short illustrated scenarios for both veteran and novice expert-witnesses.
Copyright: 2013 | Softcover
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Transforming Negative Reactions to Clients: From Frustration to Compassion
Edited by Wolf, Abraham W.; Goldfried, Marvin R.; Muran, J. Christopher
This book will help both established and novice therapists understand and constructively use the wide range of interfering feelings they experience in their working alliance with challenging patients.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Humanity’s Dark Side: Evil, Destructive Experience, and Psychotherapy
Edited by Bohart, Arthur C.; Held, Barbara S.; Mendelowitz, Edward; Schneider, Kirk J.
The human capacity for destructiveness is often referred to as humanity’s “”dark side.”” In this book, prominent writers share different, sometimes opposing views on humanity’s dark side and consider how these views impact their clinical practice.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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Preventive Stress Management in Organizations, Second Edition
By Quick, James Campbell; Wright, Thomas A.; Adkins, Joyce A.; Nelson, Debra L.; Quick, Jonathan D.
This book offers a comprehensive framework for creating healthy workplaces.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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APA Dictionary of Clinical Psychology
Edited by VandenBos, Gary R.
This book, a focused abridgment of the APA Dictionary of Psychology, is specifically tailored for clinicians and clinicians-in-training.
Copyright: 2013 | Hardcover
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APA Style Guide to Electronic References, Sixth Edition
Adapted from the sixth edition of the APA Publication Manual, this comprehensive guide offers up-to-date information on formatting electronic references in APA Style.
Copyright: 2012 | PDF
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Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
By Hayes, Steven C.; Lillis, Jason
This book provides an overview of the main influences and basic principles of acceptance and commitment therapy.
Copyright: 2012 | Softcover
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You’ve Earned Your Doctorate in Psychology…Now What?: Securing a Job as an Academic or Professional Psychologist
By Morgan, Elizabeth M.; Landrum, R. Eric
This book helps psychology graduate students, post-doctoral fellows, and early career psychologists transition from graduate education to a career in an academic or professional setting.
Copyright: 2012 | Softcover
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Qualitative Strategies for Ethnocultural Research
Edited by Nagata, Donna K.; Kohn-Wood, Laura; Suzuki, Lisa A.
This book presents the state-of-the-art discourse on qualitative methods in psychology and community studies.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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PsycEssentials: A Pocket Resource for Mental Health Practitioners
By Sonne, Janet L.
This book is a quick but comprehensive guide that helps mental health practitioners locate the answers to common and often urgent clinical questions.
Copyright: 2012 | Spiral Bound
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Cop Watch: Spectators, Social Media, and Police Reform
By Toch, Hans
This book takes stock of the vast changes in police procedures that have occurred over the last half-century by examining the evolving role of spectators to police-citizen interactions.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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The Science of Attorney Advocacy: How Courtroom Behavior Affects Jury Decision Making
By Findley, Jessica D.; Sales, Bruce D.
This book evaluates evidence from social and behavioral science to determine the efficacy of strategies that law professors, judges, and other trial commentators most commonly recommend for persuading juries.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Succeeding With Adult ADHD: Daily Strategies to Help You Achieve Your Goals and Manage Your Life
By Levrini, Abigail; Prevatt, Frances
In easy-to-master lessons, this book offers realistic, proven, and unique daily strategies to help people overcome the challenges of adult ADHD and find fulfillment in taking the practical steps needed to achieve their goals.
Copyright: 2012 | Softcover
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The Forgiving Life: A Pathway to Overcoming Resentment and Creating a Legacy of Love
By Enright, Robert D.
This book offers scientifically supported guidance to help people forgive those in their lives who have acted unfairly and have inflicted emotional hurt.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Virtuous Leaders: Strategy, Character, and Influence in the 21st Century
By Kilburg, Richard R.
This book characterizes effective leadership as a combination of specific behaviorally based competencies and virtuous aspects of character.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Therapies
By Safran, Jeremy D.
This book presents and explores psychoanalysis and other psychoanalytic techniques, including theory, history, therapy process, primary change mechanisms, and the empirical basis for effectiveness.
Copyright: 2012 | Softcover
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Pathological Gambling: Etiology, Comorbidity, and Treatment
By Petry, Nancy M.
This book reviews the prevalence, consequences, correlates, and treatments of pathological gambling.
Copyright: 2005 | Softcover
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Multicultural Care: A Clinician’s Guide to Cultural Competence
By Comas-Diaz, Lillian
This book offers a comprehensive, practical approach for integrating multicultural sensitivity into clinical practice. Ample clinical vignettes and clear, easy-to-remember tools demonstrate the application of cultural competence in various areas of practice, including self-awareness, assessment, engagement, treatment, psychopharmacology, testing, folk healing, and general multicultural consciousness.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Getting the Most Out of Clinical Training and Supervision: A Guide for Practicum Students and Interns
By Falender, Carol A.; Shafranske, Edward P.
Clinical training in psychotherapy is challenging for supervisees, many of whom are unsure how to navigate the supervisory process and effectively build clinical skills and professional competence. This book, aimed at students and interns, is written in a user-friendly, interactive style with real life case examples and reflection activities.
Copyright: 2012 | Softcover
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The Adolescent Brain: Learning, Reasoning, and Decision Making
Edited by Reyna, Valerie F.; Chapman, Sandra B.; Dougherty, Michael R.; Confrey, Jere
This book examines the ways in which brain development impacts reasoning and decision-making in adolescents, from the use and function of memory and representation, to judgment, mathematical problem-solving and the construction of meaning.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Therapeutic Presence: A Mindful Approach to Effective Therapy
By Geller, Shari M.; Greenberg, Leslie S.
The therapeutic relationship is essential to positive outcomes of psychotherapy. In this book, the authors argue that therapeutic presence is the fundamental underlying quality of the therapeutic relationship and, hence, effective therapy.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Cognitive Therapy
By Dobson, Keith S.
This book provides a brief and accessible survey of cognitive therapy, a popular, time-limited form of psychotherapy for specific functional problems.
Copyright: 2012 | Softcover
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Group Play Interventions for Children: Strategies for Teaching Prosocial Skills
By Reddy, Linda A.
This book integrates the use of group play interventions and evidence-based cognitive behavioral techniques in child group training.
Copyright: 2012 | Softcover
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The Immigrant Paradox in Children and Adolescents: Is Becoming American a Developmental Risk?
Edited by Coll, Cynthia Garcia; Marks, Amy Kerivan
This compilation of original research is aimed at understanding how acculturation affects immigrant child and adolescent development.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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The Social Psychology of Morality: Exploring the Causes of Good and Evil
Edited by Mikulincer, Mario; Shaver, Phillip R.
In a departure from traditional approaches that examined reasoning and reflection, the contributors to this provocative volume examine new research on the emotional, unconscious and intra- and interpersonal processes that contribute to virtuous or evil behavior.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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How Motivation Affects Cardiovascular Response: Mechanisms and Applications
Edited by Wright, Rex A.; Gendolla, Guido H. E.
This book conveys the amount and diversity of motivationally based cardiovascular response research that currently is being conducted.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Heart and Mind: The Practice of Cardiac Psychology, Second Edition
Edited by Allan, Robert; Fisher, Jeffrey
This second edition updates the seminal book Heart and Mind: The Practice of Cardiac Psychology. Like the first, this edition provides an in-depth analysis of the psychosocial factors surrounding coronary heart disease.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Conviction of the Innocent: Lessons From Psychological Research
Edited by Cutler, Brian L.
This comprehensive volume represents an important milestone for research on miscarriages of justice by integrating a vast array of scientific techniques and approaches with clear and compelling recommendations for future research and practical reform in police and legal procedures.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Consensual Qualitative Research: A Practical Resource for Investigating Social Science Phenomena
Edited by Hill, Clara E.
This lively and practical text presents a fresh and comprehensive approach to conducting consensual qualitative research.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Stepfamily Therapy: A 10-Step Clinical Approach
By Browning, Scott; Artelt, Elise
In this book, clinicians Scott Browning and Elise Artelt combine successful interventions within an original theoretical framework for stepfamily therapy.
Copyright: 2012 | Hardcover
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Working With Narrative in Emotion-Focused Therapy: Changing Stories, Healing Lives
By Angus, Lynne E.; Greenberg, Leslie S.
This book describes how the interaction between emotion and narrative creates a constantly evolving sense of self; how clinicians can address both narrative and emotion processes to help clients create more adaptive, empowering meanings and sense of self; and the importance of a strong therapeutic alliance.
Copyright: 2011 | Hardcover
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Coparenting: A Conceptual and Clinical Examination of Family Systems
Edited by McHale, James P.; Lindahl, Kristin M.
This book brings together a wide range of research to explore the various caregiving arrangements and dimensions that the term ‘coparenting’ comprises.
Copyright: 2011 | Hardcover
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Career Counseling
By Savickas, Mark L.
This book discusses the history and theory behind earlier approaches to vocational guidance and then presents a postmodern, 21st century theory of career counseling, a therapeutic form completely different from traditional vocational guidance or career education.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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High-Stakes Testing in Education: Science and Practice in K–۱۲ Settings
Edited by Bovaird, James A.; Geisinger, Kurt F.; Buckendahl, Chad W.
This book covers a selection of contemporary issues about testing science and practice that impact the nation’s public education system, including local and state assessment development, assessing special populations, charter schools, and the role of college placement and entrance examinations.
Copyright: 2011 | Hardcover
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Behavior Therapy
By Antony, Martin M.; Roemer, Lizabeth
This book is an introduction to the intellectual and therapeutic realms of behaviorism for students and practitioners.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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Young Children With ADHD: Early Identification and Intervention
By DuPaul, George J.; Kern, Lee
This book is the first to describe empirically-supported early intervention with children aged 2-5 years who have or are at risk for ADHD.
Copyright: 2011 | Hardcover
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Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy
By Ellis, Albert; Joffe Ellis, Debbie
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy provides an introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of this influential approach.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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Caring for Veterans With Deployment-Related Stress Disorders: Iraq, Afghanistan, and Beyond
Edited by Ruzek, Josef I.; Schnurr, Paula P.; Vasterling, Jennifer J.; Friedman, Matthew J.
This book explores the myriad causes and consequences of PTSD and other war-related stress disorders, yet its emphasis is on prevention and treatment through better assessment, psychopharmacological and psychotherapeutic interventions, and appropriate evidence-based treatments.
Copyright: 2011 | Hardcover
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Reporting Research in Psychology: How to Meet Journal Article Reporting Standards
By Cooper, Harris
This book provides practical guidance on understanding and implementing journal article reporting standards and meta-analyses reporting standards.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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Narrative Therapy
By Madigan, Stephen
This book provides an introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of narrative therapy, a post-structural therapeutic approach.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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How Animals Affect Us: Examining the Influence of Human–Animal Interaction on Child Development and Human Health
Edited by McCardle, Peggy; McCune, Sandra; Griffin, James A.; Maholmes, Valerie
The findings in this book deepen our understanding of human and animal behavior, including the impact that pets can have on children’s development and the efficacy of animal-assisted therapies.
Copyright: 2011 | Hardcover
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How to Find Mental Health Care for Your Child
By Braaten, Ellen B.
This book offers clear and expert guidance to help anxious parents navigate the complexities of mental health care.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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Interpersonal Psychotherapy
By Frank, Ellen; Levenson, Jessica C.
Interpersonal Psychotherapy provides an introduction to the theory, history, research, and practice of this effective, empirically validated approach.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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Reality Therapy
By Wubbolding, Robert E.
Reality Therapy explores the history, theory, research, and practice of this choice-focused approach to psychotherapy.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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Wheels Down: Adjusting to Life After Deployment
By Moore, Bret A.; Kennedy, Carrie H.
Written by military psychologists, this book is a down-to-earth guide that’s full of practical advice for adjusting to life after military deployment.
Copyright: 2011 | Softcover
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The Insider’s Guide to the Psychology Major: Everything You Need to Know About the Degree and Profession
By Wegenek, Amira Rezec; Buskist, William
This book provides an overview of the psychology major, subdisciplines within the field, graduate programs and the admissions process, career opportunities for all degree types, internships, and free resources for students.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Prevention of Treatment Failure: The Use of Measuring, Monitoring, and Feedback in Clinical Practice
By Lambert, Michael J.
This book describes procedures and techniques that can be used by clinical practitioners and administrators to identify patients who are at risk for treatment failure.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Grief in Childhood: Fundamentals of Treatment in Clinical Practice
By Pearlman, Michelle Y.; Schwalbe, Karen D’Angelo; Cloitre, Marylène
This book presents Integrated Grief Therapy for Children – an evidence-based model for treating bereaved children that draws extensively on cognitive–behavioral, family systems, and narrative approaches to therapy.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Clinical Hypnosis for Pain Control
By Patterson, David R.
This book provides a compelling argument for the use of hypnotic analgesia as a viable alternative to psychopharmacological interventions for controlling acute, chronic, and perioperative pain, as well as pain from nonsurgical procedures.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Talking About Sexual Assault: Society’s Response to Survivors
By Ullman, Sarah E.
This book provides a comprehensive look at women’s rape disclosure, addressing such issues as why, how often, and to whom women disclose their sexual assault; how people respond to disclosures; what factors influence how they respond to disclosures; and how these responses affect survivors.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Police Interrogations and False Confessions: Current Research, Practice, and Policy Recommendations
Edited by Lassiter, G. Daniel; Meissner, Christian A.
This book examines three salient dimensions of false confessions: interrogation tactics and the problem of false confessions; review of Supreme Court decisions regarding Miranda warnings and custodial interrogations; and new research on juvenile confessions and deception in interrogative interviews.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Person-Centered Psychotherapies
By Cain, David J.
This book discusses the history, theory, research and practice of person-centered psychotherapy, whose basic premises have influenced the practice of most therapeutic systems.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Psychotherapy Integration
By Stricker, George
This book discusses the history, theory, and practice of psychotherapy integration.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis, Second Edition
Edited by Lynn, Steven Jay; Rhue, Judith W.; Kirsch, Irving
In this second edition of the landmark Handbook of Clinical Hypnosis, the editors have undertaken a significant revision and update to their classic text, first published over ten years ago.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Brief Dynamic Therapy
By Levenson, Hanna
This book discusses the history, theory, and practice of brief dynamic therapy.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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The Basics of Psychotherapy: An Introduction to Theory and Practice
By Wampold, Bruce E.
This book presents essential background necessary for understanding the role of theory in therapy, and shows how understanding psychotherapy theory is the first step to becoming an effective therapist.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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The Ethics of Supervision and Consultation: Practical Guidance for Mental Health Professionals
By Thomas, Janet T.
This book represents the confluence of ethics with supervision and consultation. Supervisors and consultants are provided with both theoretical concepts and practical strategies for incorporating ethical principles into their work.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Displaying Your Findings: A Practical Guide for Creating Figures, Posters, and Presentations, Sixth Edition
By Nicol, Adelheid A. M.; Pexman, Penny M.
This book provides essential guidance on creating figures that effectively present findings, presenting conference posters, and presentations.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Emotion-Focused Therapy for Complex Trauma: An Integrative Approach
By Paivio, Sandra C.; Pascual-Leone, Antonio
This book looks at 15 years of research involving clinical trials, observation and analysis of therapy sessions, as well as their own extensive clinical experience to describe precisely how Emotion-Focused Therapy for Trauma works to heal complex trauma.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Advanced Methods for Conducting Online Behavioral Research
Edited by Gosling, Samuel D.; Johnson, John A.
This book goes beyond the basics to teach readers advanced methods for conducting behavioral research on the Internet.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Public Speaking for Psychologists: A Lighthearted Guide to Research Presentations, Job Talks, and Other Opportunities to Embarrass Yourself
By Feldman, David B.; Silvia, Paul J.
This book offers realistic advice, useful tips, and humorous stories of embarrassing mistakes in public speaking.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Presenting Your Findings: A Practical Guide for Creating Tables, Sixth Edition
By Nicol, Adelheid A. M.; Pexman, Penny M.
This book provides invaluable guidance on the proper table format for a wide range of statistical analyses in an engaging and accessible format.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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The Heart and Soul of Change, Second Edition: Delivering What Works in Therapy
Edited by Duncan, Barry L.; Miller, Scott D.; Wampold, Bruce E.; Hubble, Mark A.
This volume examines the common factors underlying effective psychotherapy and brings the psychotherapist and the client-therapist relationship back into focus as key determinants of psychotherapy outcome.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Play Therapy for Preschool Children
Edited by Schaefer, Charles E.
This volume is a comprehensive sourcebook of play interventions for preventing and resolving the most common disorders of children aged 3-5 years old.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Male, Female: The Evolution of Human Sex Differences, Second Edition
By Geary, David C.
In this massive update to his landmark book, author David Geary presents a lively and nuanced application of Darwin’s insight to help explain our heritage and our place in the natural world.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Child Development at the Intersection of Emotion and Cognition
Edited by Calkins, Susan D.; Bell, Martha Ann
This volume addresses the codevelopment of emotional and cognitive processes by integrating theoretical and empirical work on these processes.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Family Therapy
By Doherty, William J.; McDaniel, Susan H.
This book discuss the history, theory, and practice of family therapy, a systems-oriented therapy.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Feminist Therapy
By Brown, Laura S.
This book explores the history, theory, and practice of this groundbreaking approach.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Lesbian and Gay Parents and Their Children: Research on the Family Life Cycle
By Goldberg, Abbie E.
This book provides a comprehensive overview of the research on same-sex parenthood, exploring ways in which lesbian and gay parents resist, accommodate, and transform fundamental notions of gender, parenting, and family.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Handbook of Rehabilitation Psychology, Second Edition
Edited by Frank, Robert G.; Rosenthal, Mitchell; Caplan, Bruce
Reflecting the ever-expanding scope of rehabilitation psychology, this handbook covers diverse topics such as the clinical conditions most common to rehabilitation psychology, assessment and clinical interventions, neuroimaging, alcohol and substance abuse, vocational rehabilitation, assistive technology for cognitive impairments, ethics, spirituality, and the problems of family caregivers.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Handbook of Drug Use Etiology: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Findings
Edited by Scheier, Lawrence M.
This book shows the origins of the field of drug use etiology in clinical work with addicts, details the history of the field and the numerous forces that have helped to shape its development, and examines the interaction of epidemiology and etiology.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Nonmedication Treatments for Adult ADHD: Evaluating Impact on Daily Functioning and Well-Being
By Ramsay, J. Russell
This book provides a comprehensive review of the current status of nonmedication interventions available for adults with ADHD.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Existential–Humanistic Therapy
By Schneider, Kirk J.; Krug, Orah T.
This book discuss the history, theory, and practice of this distinctly American expression of existential therapy.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Relational–Cultural Therapy
By Jordan, Judith V.
This book explores the history, theory, and practice of relational-cultural therapy, a relationship-centered, culturally oriented form of therapy.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover
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Impulsivity: The Behavioral and Neurological Science of Discounting
Edited by Madden, Gregory J.; Bickel, Warren K.
This book explores the basis for the seemingly universal tendency to devalue rewards or punishments that are not immediately available.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Becoming an Effective Psychotherapist: Adopting a Theory of Psychotherapy That’s Right for You and Your Client
By Truscott, Derek
This books helps therapists-in-training evaluate the different theories of psychotherapy and shows that there is no “”right”” theory—rather, there are different therapeutic approaches that fit for each therapist and client.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover or Softcover
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Risk Assessment for Domestically Violent Men: Tools for Criminal Justice, Offender Intervention, and Victim Services
By Hilton, N. Zoe; Harris, Grant T.; Rice, Marnie E.
This book discusses using actuarial risk assessments to predict recidivism in male domestic violence offenders.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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The Psychoneuroimmunology of Chronic Disease: Exploring the Links Between Inflammation, Stress, and Illness
By Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen A.
This book explores the ways physical and psychological stressors such as poor sleep, PTSD, and depression, trigger the inflammatory response and increase the risk of disease.
Copyright: 2010 | Hardcover
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Concise Rules of APA Style, Sixth Edition
By American Psychological Association
This easy-to-use pocket guide provides complete guidance on the rules of style that are critical for clear communication.
Copyright: 2010 | Spiral Bound or Softcover (Spanish)
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Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Sixth Edition
By American Psychological Association
The sixth edition offers new and expanded instruction on publication ethics, statistics, journal article reporting standards, electronic reference formats, and more.
Copyright: 2010 | Softcover, Hardcover, Spiral Bound, Softcover (Spanish)
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Behavioral Interventions in Schools: Evidence-Based Positive Strategies
Edited by Akin-Little, Angeleque; Little, Steven G.; Bray, Melissa A.; Kehle, Thomas J.
This book provides school psychologists, counselors, social workers, school administrators, and teachers with a summary of ecologically sound primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention strategies for behavioral intervention in the classroom
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Studying Ethnic Minority and Economically Disadvantaged Populations: Methodological Challenges and Best Practices
By Knight, George P.; Roosa, Mark W.; Umaña-Taylor, Adriana J.
This book demonstrates and explores research design and measurement topics unique to diversity research.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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The Transactional Model of Development: How Children and Contexts Shape Each Other
By Sameroff, Arnold
This book documents the state-of-the-art research in developmental psychology using the transactional model.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Performance Psychology in Action: A Casebook for Working With Athletes, Performing Artists, Business Leaders, and Professionals in High-Risk Occupations
By Hays, Kate F.
This book shows how consultants have helped performers develop confidence, overcome mental blocks, manage emotions, and use preparation techniques such as imagery and positive self-talk in order to achieve the best possible mental state for performance.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Action Learning for Developing Leaders and Organizations: Principles, Strategies, and Cases
By Marquardt, Michael J.; Leonard, H. Skipton; Freedman, Arthur M.; Hill, Claudia C.
This book demonstrates how Action Learning can quickly and effectively be introduced, implemented, and sustained in any type or size of organization.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Finding Jobs With a Psychology Bachelor’s Degree: Expert Advice for Launching Your Career
By Landrum, R. Eric
In this book, 28 professionals describe the scope of their work, level of career satisfaction, and how their bachelor’s degree in psychology helped get them there.
Copyright: 2009 | Softcover
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Revitalizing Retirement: Reshaping Your Identity, Relationships, and Purpose
By Schlossberg, Nancy K.
Revitalizing Retirement gives unique guidance on how to create a happy, fulfilling retirement.
Copyright: 2009 | Softcover
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Spiritual Practices in Psychotherapy: Thirteen Tools for Enhancing Psychological Health
By Plante, Thomas G.
This book is for mental health practitioners who want to enhance their clients’ psychological well-being using therapeutic tools drawn from spiritual and religious thought.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Obesity in Youth: Causes, Consequences, and Cures
Edited by Heinberg, Leslie J.; Thompson, J. Kevin
This book describes trends in obesity rates among youth and discusses their implications for assessment, treatment, and prevention of obesity in youth.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Finish Your Dissertation Once and for All! How to Overcome Psychological Barriers, Get Results, and Move on With Your Life
By Miller, Alison B.
This book discusses how to overcome hurdles when writing and completing a dissertation.
Copyright: 2009 | Softcover
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Correcting Fallacies About Educational and Psychological Testing
Edited by Phelps, Richard P.
This book discusses issues in standardized testing in clinical and educational settings.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Behavioral Emergencies: An Evidence-Based Resource for Evaluating and Managing Risk of Suicide, Violence, and Victimization
Edited by Kleespies, Phillip M.
This book provide clinicians with critical, evidence-based approaches for the evaluation and management of behavioral emergencies.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Body Image, Eating Disorders, and Obesity in Youth: Assessment, Prevention, and Treatment, Second Edition
Edited by Smolak, Linda; Thompson, J. Kevin
The 2nd edition of this landmark volume assimilates new information on body image and eating disorders in youth into a form that is easily accessible for researchers, clinicians and students.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Complementary and Alternative Therapies Research
By Field, Tiffany
This book describes the most common complementary and alternative therapies that have empirical support from peer-reviewed journals and provides guidance on which therapies have been most useful for which psychological and medical issues.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Cognitive Therapy for Suicidal Patients: Scientific and Clinical Applications
By Wenzel, Amy; Brown, Gregory K.; Beck, Aaron T.
This book crystallizes over three decades of basic, clinical, and therapeutic research, providing a comprehensive review of the literature on psychological factors associated with suicidal behavior.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Addictive Behaviors: New Readings on Etiology, Prevention, and Treatment
Edited by Marlatt, G. Alan; Witkiewitz, Katie
The articles in this volume, reprinted from APA journals, describe a wide range of biological, psychological, and social approaches to researching and treating addictive behaviors.
Copyright: 2009 | Softcover
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Becoming a Calm Mom: How to Manage Stress and Enjoy the First Year of Motherhood
By Ledley, Deborah Roth
This book balances scientifically sound techniques from an experienced cognitive-behavioral therapist with friendly advice from fellow new moms to help moms successfully overcome the self-doubt that so often arrives along with their first baby.
Copyright: 2009 | Softcover
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Sex and Love in Intimate Relationships
By Firestone, Robert W.; Firestone, Lisa A.; Catlett, Joyce
This book shows how clients can be helped to overcome psychological challenges and become physically and emotionally closer to their partners.
Copyright: 2009 | Softcover or Hardcover
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Spirituality and the Therapeutic Process: A Comprehensive Resource From Intake to Termination
Edited by Aten, Jamie D.; Leach, Mark M.
This book is for therapists who want to enhance their effectiveness with clients whose spirituality is a salient part of their worldview.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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How Caregiving Affects Development: Psychological Implications for Child, Adolescent, and Adult Caregivers
Edited by Shifren, Kim
This book offers a new and exciting look at often overlooked family caregivers and introduces a set of challenging questions that will guide future research in the field.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Clinical Health Psychology in Medical Settings: A Practitioner’s Guidebook, Second Edition
By Belar, Cynthia D.; Deardorff, William W.
This book provides an overview of the roles and functions of clinical health psychologists as well as the education, training, personal, and professional issues involved.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Financial Success in Mental Health Practice: Essential Tools and Strategies for Practitioners
By Walfish, Steven; Barnett, Jeffrey E.
This book provide a comprehensive toolkit for practitioners to develop their business acumen and fully complement their extensive clinical training.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Treatment of Chronic Medical Conditions: Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Strategies and Integrative Treatment Protocols
By Sperry, Len
This book provides clinicians with focused cognitive behavioral strategies and integrative treatment protocols for 10 of the most common chronic medical conditions that the psychotherapist is likely to encounter.
Copyright: 2009 | Hardcover
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Courtroom Modifications for Child Witnesses: Law and Science in Forensic Evaluations
By Hall, Susan R.; Sales, Bruce D.
This book is aimed at mental health professionals who perform forensic evaluations of child witnesses in cases of alleged maltreatment, to determine whether to recommend courtroom modifications.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Ethics Desk Reference for Psychologists
By Barnett, Jeffrey E.; Johnson, W. Brad
This book is an easy-to-use pocket guide that aids psychologists in identifying and avoiding ethical dilemmas.
Copyright: 2008 | Spiral Bound
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Handbook of Bereavement Research and Practice: Advances in Theory and Intervention
Edited by Stroebe, Margaret S.; Hansson, Robert O.; Schut, Henk; Stroebe, Wolfgang
In this state-of-the-art volume, leading international scholars and clinicians provide a comprehensive and cross-disciplinary overview of how rigorous research on bereavement translates into practice.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Psychotherapy With Cardiac Patients: Behavioral Cardiology in Practice
By Dornelas, Ellen A.
This book shows psychotherapy practitioners how they can modify their techniques to accommodate the unique needs of clients with heart disease.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Applying to Graduate School in Psychology: Advice From Successful Students and Prominent Psychologists
Edited by Kracen, Amanda C.; Wallace, Ian J.
This book provides prospective graduate students with the insider knowledge needed to bolster their confidence and gain a competitive edge.
Copyright: 2008 | Softcover
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Casebook for Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach
Edited by Falender, Carol A.; Shafranske, Edward P.
This companion book to Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach makes the leap from theory and research to the real-life, hands-on implementation of the elements of successful supervision.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Psychology as a Major: Is It Right for Me and What Can I Do With My Degree?
By Schultheiss, Donna E. Palladino
This book provides a comprehensive strategy aimed at helping undergraduates use self-exploration tools to decide if psychology is the right major for them.
Copyright: 2008 | Softcover
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Transcending Self-Interest: Psychological Explorations of the Quiet Ego
Edited by Wayment, Heidi A.; Bauer, Jack J.
This book provides comprehensive research on both the problems of egocentrism and ways of transcending it.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Surviving Graduate School in Psychology: A Pocket Mentor
By Kuther, Tara L.
This invaluable resource for psychology graduate students is enriched with handy tips, checklists, practice interview questions, teaching guidelines, dissertation strategies, sample CVs, and other practical visual aids.
Copyright: 2008 | Softcover
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The I/O Consultant: Advice and Insights for Building a Successful Career
Edited by Hedge, Jerry W.; Borman, Walter C.
This volume offers basic guidance on the fundamentals of I/O consulting with essays by leaders in the field.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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The Collaborative Psychotherapist: Creating Reciprocal Relationships With Medical Professionals
By Ruddy, Nancy Breen; Borresen, Dorothy A.; Gunn, William B. Jr.
This book provides step-by-step guidance on how psychotherapists can work with their medical colleagues on a routine basis.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Dieting, Overweight, and Obesity: Self-Regulation in a Food-Rich Environment
By Stroebe, Wolfgang
This book examines why self-regulation of weight is so difficult for many people. The author explains the history of bodyweight standards, details the emotional and physical consequences of being overweight, and explores the various treatment and prevention plans for obesity.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Cultural Competence in Trauma Therapy: Beyond the Flashback
By Brown, Laura S.
This book shows therapists how to become more sensitive to individual identity when working with clients who have suffered trauma. The author explains how culturally sensitive therapists draw upon multiple strategies for treating patients and are aware of both dominant group privilege and of their own identity and culture.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Emotion-Focused Couples Therapy: The Dynamics of Emotion, Love, and Power
By Greenberg, Leslie S.; Goldman, Rhonda N.
This book explores the foundations of emotionally focused therapy for couples.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Hallucinations: The Science of Idiosyncratic Perception
By Aleman, André; Larøi, Frank
In this book, the authors integrate the wealth of recent findings on hallucinations into a cohesive framework and put forward a comprehensive model.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Gender and Occupational Outcomes: Longitudinal Assessment of Individual, Social, and Cultural Influences
Edited by Watt, Helen M. G.; Eccles, Jacquelynne S.
This book discusses gender-related disparities in science, technology, and math careers in the 21st century.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Sex Offending: Causal Theories to Inform Research, Prevention, and Treatment
By Stinson, Jill D.; Sales, Bruce D.; Becker, Judith V.
In this book, the authors review and critique existing theories and the supporting literature on why adolescent and adult males commit sex offenses against adults and children.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Commemorating Brown: The Social Psychology of Racism and Discrimination
Edited by Adams, Glenn; Biernat, Monica; Branscombe, Nyla R.; Crandall, Christian S.; Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
This book offers a critical retrospective on the role of psychological research in the fight against racism and discrimination and an up-to-date review of the psychology of racism and its implications for schools, the workplace, and public policy.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Multiculturalism and Intergroup Relations: Psychological Implications for Democracy in Global Context
By Moghaddam, Fathali M.
This book applies current psychological theories on intergroup relations to a variety of cultures and conflicts across the globe.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Unlocking the Potential of Patients With ADHD: A Model for Clinical Practice
By Monastra, Vincent J.
This volume provides a foundation for translating the complex scientific literature on ADHD into a model for community-based care.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Listening to Battered Women: A Survivor-Centered Approach to Advocacy, Mental Health, and Justice
By Goodman, Lisa A.; Epstein, Deborah
This book presents an in-depth, multidisciplinary look at society’s responses to domestic violence.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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Pedophilia and Sexual Offending Against Children: Theory, Assessment, and Intervention
By Seto, Michael C.
Author Michael C. Seto addresses key concerns and questions in dealing with sex offenders who target children and pedophiles.
Copyright: 2008 | Hardcover
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How to Write for a General Audience: A Guide for Academics Who Want to Share Their Knowledge With the World and Have Fun Doing It
By Kendall-Tackett, Kathleen A.
Provides practical information on coming up with ideas for articles and books, beating procrastination, and writing effective, jargon-free prose.
Copyright: 2007 | Softcover
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Everyday Creativity and New Views of Human Nature: Psychological, Social, and Spiritual Perspectives
Edited by Richards, Ruth
This provocative collection of essays draws upon the latest research in the area to present a lively examination of the phenomenon and process of everyday creativity and its far-reaching ramifications for self, culture, history, society, and more.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Case Studies in Emotion-Focused Treatment of Depression: A Comparison of Good and Poor Outcome
By Watson, Jeanne C.; Goldman, Rhonda N.; Greenberg, Leslie S.
In this book, six in-depth case studies – three of which result in a good outcome and three in a poor outcome – exemplify the principles of emotion-focused therapy and show how treatment progresses.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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The Muscular Ideal: Psychological, Social, and Medical Perspectives
Edited by Thompson, J. Kevin; Cafri, Guy
This edited book draws on new research to provide an overview of the muscular ideal, including historical and present socioeconomic trends, assessment and measurement issues, and clinical presentation of disorders such as muscle dysmorphia.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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The Wisdom of Coaching: Essential Papers in Consulting Psychology for a World of Change
Edited by Kilburg, Richard R.; Diedrich, Richard C.
In sharing a wealth of perspectives and experience, this volume provides a solid grounding in the practice and assessment of executive coaching.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Getting in: A Step-by-Step Plan for Gaining Admission to Graduate School in Psychology, Second Edition
By American Psychological Association
This book simplifies the process for applicants considering graduate study in psychology and increases their chances of being accepted. Useful timelines, tips, and tools break the tasks into manageable steps and help readers define their goals, select programs, and navigate the application process.
Copyright: 2007 | Softcover
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Boundaries in Psychotherapy: Ethical and Clinical Explorations
By Zur, Ofer
Written for professionals to help them understand and navigate boundary issues such as exchange of gifts, nonsexual touch, therapist’s self-disclosure, dual relationships, bartering, home visits, home office practice, and telehealth.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing
By Silvia, Paul J.
This APA LifeTools book details how to write; submit; revise; and resubmit articles, how to improve writing quality, and how to write and publish academic work.
Copyright: 2007 | Softcover
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Sensation Seeking and Risky Behavior
By Zuckerman, Marvin
In this book, the author offers a comprehensive view of the role of sensation seeking in a wide range of behaviors, from risky driving and sports through substance use, sex, and crime or other antisocial behaviors.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Psychological Treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Fundamentals and Beyond
Edited by Antony, Martin M.; Purdon, Christine; Summerfeldt, Laura J.
This book provide practical, step-by-step descriptions of psychological approaches to treating OCD.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Insight in Psychotherapy
Edited by Castonguay, Louis G.; Hill, Clara E.
Delineates and integrates what is currently known about insight, and discusses new directions that could help clinicians and researchers better understand this rich and complex process.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Educating the Human Brain
By Posner, Michael I.; Rothbart, Mary K.
This book provides an empirical account of the early development of attention and self regulation in infants and young children.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Shy Children, Phobic Adults: Nature and Treatment of Social Anxiety Disorder, Second Edition
By Beidel, Deborah C.; Turner, Samuel M.
includes information from new studies differentiating patterns of distress characteristic of social anxiety disorder vs. social phobia.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Second-Order Change in Psychotherapy: The Golden Thread That Unifies Effective Treatments
By Fraser, J. Scott; Solovey, Andrew D.
This fascinating and rich book illustrates how second-order change is at the core of all effective treatments and demonstrates how to creatively employ specific, targeted approaches in an interpersonal context of shared respect, empathy, and compassion.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Rumor Psychology: Social and Organizational Approaches
By DiFonzo, Nicholas; Bordia, Prashant
Investigates how rumors start and spread, the accuracy of different types of rumor, and how rumors can be controlled, particularly given their propagation across media outlets and within organizations.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Scientific Jury Selection
By Lieberman, Joel D.; Sales, Bruce D.
Provides a thorough review of the most common techniques used to select jurors, and a critical evaluation of the ultimate effectiveness of these methods.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Becoming Culturally Oriented: Practical Advice for Psychologists and Educators
By Fouad, Nadya A.; Arredondo, Patricia
This book provides a comprehensive framework for helping psychologists to increase and improve culturally responsive practice, research, and education.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Intervening in Children’s Lives: An Ecological, Family-Centered Approach to Mental Health Care
By Dishion, Thomas J.; Stormshak, Elizabeth A.
The authors of this book describe a family-centered approach that engages children, adolescents, and their families, leveraging their motivation to change.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Handbook of Counseling and Psychotherapy With Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Clients, Second Edition
Edited by Bieschke, Kathleen J.; Perez, Ruperto M.; DeBord, Kurt A.
This second edition focuses on the complex cultural contexts of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, the provision of psychotherapy to LGBT clients across a range of presenting concerns, and emerging socio/political issues.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Preventing Youth Substance Abuse: Science-Based Programs for Children and Adolescents
Edited by Tolan, Patrick; Szapocznik, Jose; Sambrano, Soledad
In this book, the editors bring together a body of intervention research into a practical guide that shows how seven selected prevention programs address risk factors for adolescent substance abuse.
Copyright: 2007 | Hardcover
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Emotions and Culpability: How the Law is at Odds With Psychology, Jurors, and Itself
By Finkel, Norman J.; Parrott, W. Gerrod
This book investigates why, when, and how ordinary human beings hold some individuals guilty of crimes, but others less so or not at all.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Executive Wisdom: Coaching and the Emergence of Virtuous Leaders
By Kilburg, Richard R.
The book is both a practical and theoretical guide to executive coaching, with particular emphasis on how wisdom is essential for successful executive leadership.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Helping Others Help Children: Clinical Supervision of Child Psychotherapy
Edited by Neill, T. Kerby
The book recontextualizes child therapy for contemporary demands by presenting a cross-section of supervision practices in child psychotherapy, which include some of the most promising new child therapies.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Culturally Responsive Cognitive–Behavioral Therapy: Assessment, Practice, and Supervision
Edited by Hays, Pamela A.; Iwamasa, Gayle Y.
This book describes the application of cognitive–behavioral therapy with people of diverse cultures and discusses how therapists can refine cognitive–behavioral therapy to increase its effectiveness with clients of many cultures.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Dissertations and Theses From Start to Finish: Psychology and Related Fields, Second Edition
By Cone, John D.; Foster, Sharon L.
This book aids student writers through all the practical, logistical, and emotional stages of writing dissertations and theses.
Copyright: 2006 | Softcover
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A Casebook of Psychotherapy Integration
Edited by Stricker, George; Gold, Jerry
This book uses compelling case examples to illustrate the various shapes that psychotherapy integration may take.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Criminal Profiling: Developing an Effective Science and Practice
By Hicks, Scotia J.; Sales, Bruce D.
This book aims to transform criminal profiling into a credible science and practice that will reliably aid law enforcement investigation.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Evidence-Based Psychotherapy: Where Practice and Research Meet
Edited by Goodheart, Carol D.; Kazdin, Alan E.; Sternberg, Robert J.
This book offers distinctive perspectives, seeks common ground, and reveals legitimate differences, unanswered questions, and promising avenues for improving psychotherapy.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Mental Health Care for Urban Indians: Clinical Insights From Native Practitioners
Edited by Witko, Tawa M.
This book provides the reader with a basic understanding of the historical impact of colonization, the ensuing results of urban migration and boarding schools, and the effects that these events have had on the Native community.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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What Therapists Don’t Talk About and Why: Understanding Taboos That Hurt Us and Our Clients
By Pope, Kenneth S.; Sonne, Janet L.; Greene, Beverly
This book helps therapists and therapists-in-training explore the myths and taboo topics that weaken their practice and cause anxiety, discomfort, and confusion.
Copyright: 2006 | Softcover
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Identity and Story: Creating Self in Narrative
Edited by McAdams, Dan P.; Josselson, Ruthellen; Lieblich, Amia
This book examines the way the stories we tell create our identities.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Psychological Treatment of Chronic Illness: The Biopsychosocial Therapy Approach
By Sperry, Len
This book emphasizes the biopsychosocial perspective and describes a biopsychosocially-oriented treatment approach known as Biopsychosocial Therapy.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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The Ethical Practice of Psychology in Organizations, Second Edition
Edited by Lowman, Rodney L.
This book reflects the provision of the revised APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct for Psychologists.
Copyright: 2006 | Softcover
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Reforming Punishment: Psychological Limits to the Pains of Imprisonment
By Haney, Craig
This book challenges current prison practice and points to ways psychologists and policy makers can strive for a more humane justice system.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Preventing Violence: Research and Evidence-Based Intervention Strategies
Edited by Lutzker, John R.
This is the only book available that offers current data-based analyses from leaders in violence prevention with a strong scientific perspective.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Imagery in Psychotherapy
By Singer, Jerome L.
This book is a comprehensive survey of the research evidence for our capacity to generate images, and the processes involved.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Essentials of Clinical Hypnosis: An Evidence-Based Approach
By Lynn, Steven Jay; Kirsch, Irving
This book was born out of a desire to bridge the gap between research and practice, and to bring hypnosis into the mainstream of science-based clinical psychotherapy by introducing a wide readership to the benefits of incorporating hypnotic methods into clinical work.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Bullying Prevention: Creating a Positive School Climate and Developing Social Competence
By Orpinas, Pamela; Horne, Arthur M.
In this book, the authors bring together years of experience in research and applied behavioral sciences to show how educators, school psychologists, counselors, and other professionals can address the problem of bullying and aggression in schools.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Women and Victimization: Contributing Factors, Interventions, and Implications
By Logan, T. K.; Walker, Robert; Jordan, Carol E.; Leukefeld, Carl G.
This book is the first book to comprehensively examine and integrate a vast and diverse literature base, drawing from divergent findings to reveal a picture of complexity and of intertwining risk and resilience factors.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Adlerian Therapy: Theory and Practice
By Carlson, Jon; Watts, Richard E.; Maniacci, Michael
This book demonstrates the relevance of Adlerian therapy by illustrating how Adler’s ideas influenced current practice and emphasizing the short-term nature of its interventions. In addition, the authors show how Adlerian therapy works in practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups, as well as in educational settings.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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The Pain Survival Guide: How to Reclaim Your Life
By Turk, Dennis W.; Winter, Frits
This book provides a 10-step program to help improve the lives of those suffering from chronic pain.
Copyright: 2006 | Softcover
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Road Rage: Assessment and Treatment of the Angry, Aggressive Driver
By Galovski, Tara E.; Malta, Loretta S.; Blanchard, Edward B.
This book provides detailed, step-by-step information on implementing a successful, brief (4 session) cognitive-behavioral treatment program for angry, aggressive drivers.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Adolescent Suicide: Assessment and Intervention, Second Edition
By Berman, Alan L.; Jobes, David A.; Silverman, Morton M.
This second edition incorporates almost 15 years of new research on adolescent suicide and critical thinking about clinical assessment and intervention in addition to an expanded focus on prevention.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Emotion-Focused Therapy for Depression
By Greenberg, Leslie S.; Watson, Jeanne C.
In this book, leading scholars provide a manual for the emotion-focused treatment (EFT) of depression.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health: Debate and Dialogue on the Fundamental Questions
Edited by Norcross, John C.; Beutler, Larry E.; Levant, Ronald F.
This book, designed for mental health practitioners, trainers, and graduate students, addresses nine fundamental questions in the debate on evidence-based practices.
Copyright: 2006 | Hardcover
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Biological Substrates of Human Sexuality
Edited by Hyde, Janet Shibley
This book explores some of the past decade’s explosion of research on the neuroscience and endocrinology of sexuality and presents the latest findings in this field.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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How Psychotherapists Develop: A Study of Therapeutic Work and Professional Growth
By Orlinsky, David E.; Ronnestad, M. Helge
In this book, the authors and their collaborators present an impressive amount of data in response to questions about the formative experiences, practices and development of psychotherapists at all career levels and across national borders.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Clinical Dilemmas in Psychotherapy: A Transtheoretical Approach to Psychotherapy Integration
By Scaturo, Douglas J.
This book describes the process of psychotherapy from the standpoint of managing the fundamental dilemmas that confront all psychotherapists, regardless of theoretical approach or treatment modality used.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Resolution of Inner Conflict: An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Therapy, Second Edition
By Auld, Frank; Hyman, Marvin; Rudzinski, Donald
This book gives readers a thorough course on how to do psychoanalytic therapy.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Preventing Sexual Violence: How Society Should Cope With Sex Offenders
By La Fond, John Q.
This book critiques the current treatment of sex offenders in an effort to determine how best to prevent reoffending without infringing on the rights of citizens.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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How to Survive and Thrive as a Therapist: Information, Ideas, and Resources for Psychologists in Practice
By Pope, Kenneth S.; Vasquez, Melba J. T.
This book is a nuts-and-bolts guide to starting, growing, or improving a psychotherapy practice.
Copyright: 2005 | Softcover
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The Causes of Rape: Understanding Individual Differences in Male Propensity for Sexual Aggression
By Lalumiere, Martin L.; Harris, Grant T.; Quinsey, Vernon L.; Rice, Marnie E.
This book examines why some men seem prone to rape, offers probable causes for this inclination, and provides a comprehensive review of scientific studies of coercive sex.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Ethics in Plain English: An Illustrative Casebook for Psychologists, Second Edition
By Nagy, Thomas F.
This book is a practical and engaging resource that shows psychologists how to apply the principles of APA’s Ethics Code to the ethical dilemmas that they encounter in their daily lives.
Copyright: 2005 | Softcover
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The Psychology of Hate
Edited by Sternberg, Robert J.
This ground-breaking book brings together experts on the psychology of hate to present their diverse viewpoints in a single volume.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Spiritually Oriented Psychotherapy
Edited by Sperry, Len; Shafranske, Edward P.
This book is the first to critically and coherently survey how spirituality can be incorporated into a range of psychotherapeutic approaches.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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The Origin of Mind: Evolution of Brain, Cognition, and General Intelligence
By Geary, David C.
This ground-breaking book sets out a comprehensive, integrated theory of why and how the human mind has developed to function as it does.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Judeo-Christian Perspectives on Psychology: Human Nature, Motivation, and Change
Edited by Miller, William R.; Delaney, Harold D.
This book addresses the lack of connection in psychology to spirituality or religion despite the importance of religion to many clients.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Police as Problem Solvers, Second Edition: How Frontline Workers Can Promote Organizational and Community Change
By Toch, Hans; Grant, J. Douglas
This book discusses problem-oriented policing whereby police officers become social scientists who work to address root causes of crime within the community.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Recovery in Mental Illness: Broadening Our Understanding of Wellness
Edited by Ralph, Ruth O.; Corrigan, Patrick W.
This book explores what recovery means from various perspectives, including sociological models as well as qualitative studies that incorporate mental health consumers’ subjective experiences.
Copyright: 2005 | Hardcover
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Measuring Up: Educational Assessment Challenges and Practices for Psychology
Edited by Dunn, Dana S.; Mehrotra, Chandra M.; Halonen, Jane S.
With this book educators will be able to demonstrate learning, track and measure student achievement, and gauge quality of instruction.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Clinical Supervision: A Competency-Based Approach
By Falender, Carol A.; Shafranske, Edward P.
This book guides readers through a science-informed process of clinical supervision that clearly delineates the competencies required for good practice.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Creativity: From Potential to Realization
Edited by Sternberg, Robert J.; Grigorenko, Elena L.; Singer, Jerome L.
The emphasis of this volume is on the theoretical issue of whether the attributes that lead to creativity in one domain are the same as those that lead to creativity in another domain.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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۱۱۰ Experiences for Multicultural Learning
By Pedersen, Paul B.
This book provides descriptions of classroom learning exercises that demonstrate the relevance of cultural diversity in psychological topics and bring multicultural learning to life.
Copyright: 2004 | Softcover
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Experiences of Depression: Theoretical, Clinical, and Research Perspectives
By Blatt, Sidney J.
This book integrates nearly 30 years of clinical insight and research exploring the nature of depression and the life experiences that contribute to its emergence.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Coping With Cross-Examination and Other Pathways to Effective Testimony
By Brodsky, Stanley L.
In his latest collection of essays for forensic psychologists, Stanley L. Brodsky extends the lessons of his popular Testifying in Court series by focusing on the cross-examination, the trial phase that expert witnesses dread most.
Copyright: 2004 | Softcover
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Lawyer, Know Thyself: A Psychological Analysis of Personality Strengths and Weaknesses
By Daicoff, Susan Swaim
This book reviews the behavioral literature on lawyer personality and argues that the personality characteristics of those attracted to the law help explain some of the crisis in the law today.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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School-Based Mental Health Services: Creating Comprehensive and Culturally Specific Programs
By Nastasi, Bonnie Kaul; Moore, Rachel Bernstein; Varjas, Kristen M.
This book challenges school psychologists to think broadly about how to best use their training and skills to empower individuals, schools, and communities.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Learning Emotion-Focused Therapy: The Process-Experiential Approach to Change
By Elliott, Robert; Watson, Jeanne C.; Goldman, Rhonda N.; Greenberg, Leslie S.
In this book, the originators of Process-Experiential Therapy describe in detail the various tasks and techniques of this theoretically grounded, empirically supported, and integrative humanistic therapy.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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After the Crash: Psychological Assessment and Treatment of Survivors of Motor Vehicle Accidents, Second Edition
By Blanchard, Edward B.; Hickling, Edward J.
In this revised edition, the authors report on new, international research and provide updates on their own longstanding research protocols within the groundbreaking Albany MVA Project.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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You’re On! Consulting for Peak Performance
By Hays, Kate F.; Brown, Charles H. Jr.
This book describes how to mentor professionals who want to achieve peak performance.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Psychology and Consumer Culture: The Struggle for a Good Life in a Materialistic World
Edited by Kasser, Tim; Kanner, Allen D.
This APA book provides an in-depth psychological analysis of consumerism that draws from a wide range of theoretical, clinical, and methodological approaches.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Primary Care Psychology
Edited by Frank, Robert G.; McDaniel, Susan H.; Bray, James H.; Heldring, Margaret
This APA book brings together the leading researchers, scholars, and practitioners in the field to create a thorough and integrated manual about the major topics in primary care psychology.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Casebook for a Spiritual Strategy in Counseling and Psychotherapy
Edited by Richards, P. Scott; Bergin, Allen E.
This APA book presents rich case histories that examine the therapeutic relationship as it occurs in various forms of Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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Retire Smart, Retire Happy: Finding Your True Path in Life
By Schlossberg, Nancy K.
This APA book describes how best to make a happy transition from work to retirement.
Copyright: 2004 | Softcover
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Understanding Terrorism: Psychosocial Roots, Consequences, and Interventions
Edited by Moghaddam, Fathali M.; Marsella, Anthony J.
This APA book provides theory and interventions for understanding, intervening, and preventing the challenge of terrorism.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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The Compleat Academic: A Career Guide, Second Edition
Edited by Darley, John M.; Zanna, Mark P.; Roediger, Henry L., III
This book helps new academics set the best course for a lasting and vibrant career.
Copyright: 2004 | Softcover
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Dream Work in Therapy: Facilitating Exploration, Insight, and Action
Edited by Hill, Clara E.
This APA book discusses a cognitive-experiential model for working with dreams and provides clear instructions for implementing it in practice.
Copyright: 2004 | Hardcover
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In the Wake of 9/11: The Psychology of Terror
By Pyszczynski, Tom; Solomon, Sheldon; Greenberg, Jeff
This book explores the emotions of despair, fear, and anger that arose after the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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Feminist Family Therapy: Empowerment in Social Context
Edited by Silverstein, Louise B.; Goodrich, Thelma Jean
This APA book offers case-based discussions that address race, gender, and class as they effect the personal problems of individual families.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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Substance Abuse Treatment for Criminal Offenders: An Evidence-Based Guide for Practitioners
By Springer, David W.; McNeece, C. Aaron; Arnold, Elizabeth Mayfield
This book covers traditional and cutting-edge treatments for offenders, including women, juveniles, and those with the dual diagnoses of substance abuse and a mental disorder.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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Treating Chronic Juvenile Offenders: Advances Made Through the Oregon Multidimensional Treatment Foster Care Model
By Chamberlain, Patricia
This book presents promising methods for treating chronic juvenile offenders proven to be effective in reducing juvenile crime.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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The Inside Story on AIDS
By Kalichman, Seth C.
Culled from thousands of questions posed to AIDS telephone hotlines and posted in Web forums, this comprehensive guide offers the most current knowledge from medical and behavioral sciences on prevention and treatment
Copyright: 2003 | Softcover
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Positive Psychological Assessment: A Handbook of Models and Measures
Edited by Lopez, Shane J.; Snyder, C. R.
This book is a primer for practitioners and researchers striving to incorporate assessment of human strengths, resources, and fulfillments into their work.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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Alterations of Consciousness: An Empirical Analysis for Social Scientists
By Barušs, Imants
This comprehensive overview of altered states examines consciousness from the physiological, cognitive, and experiential points of view.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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Rural Behavioral Health Care: An Interdisciplinary Guide
Edited by Stamm, B. Hudnall
This book discusses the needs and resources of the often overlooked individuals who live in rural and frontier areas.
Copyright: 2003 | Softcover
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Flourishing: Positive Psychology and the Life Well-Lived
Edited by Keyes, Corey L. M.; Haidt, Jonathan
This book further defines the evolving field of positive psychology by examining the effects of happiness, play, courage, citizenship and healthy relationships on one’s life.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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A Psychology of Human Strengths: Fundamental Questions and Future Directions for a Positive Psychology
Edited by Aspinwall, Lisa G.; Staudinger, Ursula M.
In this book, leading scholars of contemporary psychology set a research agenda for the scientific study of human strengths.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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Acculturation: Advances in Theory, Measurement, and Applied Research
Edited by Chun, Kevin M.; Organista, Pamela Balls; Marin, Gerardo
This book is a comprehensive review and the most up-to-date analysis of theoretical and applied developments available in the measurement and use of acculturation.
Copyright: 2003 | Hardcover
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Parenting That Works: Building Skills That Last a Lifetime
By Christophersen, Edward R.; Mortweet, Susan L.
This book’s aim is to build parenting skills so that children can grow up as happy and compassionate adults.
Copyright: 2003 | Softcover
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EMDR as an Integrative Psychotherapy Approach: Experts of Diverse Orientations Explore the Paradigm Prism
Edited by Shapiro, Francine
This APA book explores the latest developments and clinical applications of EMDR, the complex psychotherapy approach originally developed to treat posttraumatic stress disorder.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Enhanced Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy for Couples: A Contextual Approach
By Epstein, Norman B.; Baucom, Donald H.
This book expands the boundaries of cognitive behavioral therapy with a framework that goes beyond partners’ moment-to-moment interactions and takes into account the personal characteristics of the two individuals, their dyadic interactions, and influences of the couple’s interpersonal and physical environment.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Preventing Violence in Relationships: Interventions Across the Life Span
Edited by Schewe, Paul A.
This book takes a developmental approach to examining violence prevention in intimate relationships and families.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Organizational Assessment: A Step-by-Step Guide to Effective Consulting
By Levinson, Harry
This APA book is a comprehensive, step-by-step guide to assessing the health of an organization.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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The Inside Story on Teen Girls
By Zager, Karen; Rubenstein, Alice
Reveals expert answers to real questions asked by parents and teen girls.
Copyright: 2002 | Softcover
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Perfectionism: Theory, Research, and Treatment
Edited by Flett, Gordon L.; Hewitt, Paul L.
This APA book provides an emerging picture of perfectionism as a personality style with multiple developmental influences that contribute to interpersonal problems.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Expert Witnesses in Child Abuse Cases: What Can and Should Be Said in Court
Edited by Ceci, Stephen J.; Hembrooke, Helene
In this APA book, eminent psychologists, lawyers, and social workers discuss aspects of testimony and provide recommendations for proper role of the expert witness in child abuse cases.
Copyright: 1998 | Softcover
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Intrusive Parenting: How Psychological Control Affects Children and Adolescents
Edited by Barber, Brian K.
This APA book focuses on parental psychological control (intrusive, inhibiting, and manipulative parental behaviors and interaction patterns) that negatively affect healthy child development.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Living With Childhood Cancer: A Practical Guide to Help Families Cope
By Woznick, Leigh A.; Goodheart, Carol D.
This APA book, written by a mother-daughter team, provides practical advice to families with children living with cancer.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Forgiveness Is a Choice: A Step-by-Step Process for Resolving Anger and Restoring Hope
By Enright, Robert D.
By demonstrating how forgiveness, approached in the correct manner, benefits the forgiver far more than the forgiven this self-help book benefits people who have been deeply hurt by another and caught in a vortex of anger, depression, and resentment.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Therapy With Difficult Clients: Using the Precursors Model to Awaken Change
By Hanna, Fred J.
This book offers seven factors that are necessary for therapeutic change and offers a tool for assessing clients’ readiness for change and practical guidelines for working with difficult clients.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Bipolar Disorder: A Cognitive Therapy Approach
By Newman, Cory F.; Leahy, Robert L.; Beck, Aaron T.; Reilly-Harrington, Noreen; Gyulai, Laszlo
This book discusses the use of cognitive therapy to treat bipolar disorder, the interface between cognitive therapy and pharmacotherapy, and guidelines for addressing patients’ misgivings about medication.
Copyright: 2002 | Hardcover
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Turns in the Road: Narrative Studies of Lives in Transition
Edited by McAdams, Dan P.; Josselson, Ruthellen; Lieblich, Amia
This book offers analysis of personal narratives reflecting on how individuals make meaning out life transitions.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Handbook of Bereavement Research: Consequences, Coping, and Care
Edited by Stroebe, Margaret S.; Hansson, Robert O.; Stroebe, Wolfgang; Schut, Henk
This APA book provides a broad view of diverse approaches to bereavement, examining both normal adaptation and complicated manifestations of grief.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Meaning Reconstruction and the Experience of Loss
Edited by Neimeyer, Robert A.
This APA book offers new paradigms for approaching loss, based on the tenets that symptoms in the bereaved have meaning and that its reconstruction in response to loss is the central process of grieving.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Mom, Dad. I’m Gay. How Families Negotiate Coming Out
By Savin-Williams, Ritch C.
This APA book illustrates family reactions to teenagers’ disclosures of gay, lesbian, transgendered, and bisexual identities and discusses factors that determine how parents cope with such disclosures.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Ethnopolitical Warfare: Causes, Consequences, and Possible Solutions
Edited by Chirot, Daniel; Seligman, Martin E. P.
This APA book offers an interdisciplinary approach to the understanding of why ethnic conflicts escalate or deescalate and offers psychological analyses of group identity and conflict.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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The Nature of Executive Leadership: A Conceptual and Empirical Analysis of Success
By Zaccaro, Stephen J.
APA book offers research on the skills, knowledge, and abilities that define the effectiveness of senior executives. The volume is useful for industrial psychologists and graduate students.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Abused Women and Survivor Therapy: A Practical Guide for the Psychotherapist
By Walker, Lenore E. A.
This state-of-the art treatment manual contends that traditional psychotherapies for trauma victims have been insufficient in treating abused women. The author describes critical modifications to traditional practice that will allow practitioners to work more effectively with female victims of abuse.
Copyright: 1994 | Softcover
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Making Good: How Ex-Convicts Reform and Rebuild Their Lives
By Maruna, Shadd
This book offers a narrative analysis of the lives of repeat offenders who turned their lives around, a literature review on personal reform and a guide to the use of narratives in offender counseling.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover or Softcover
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Integrating Behavioral and Social Sciences With Public Health
Edited by Schneiderman, Neil; Speers, Marjorie A.; Silva, Julia M.; Tomes, Henry; Gentry, Jacquelyn H.
APA book that examines ways that community-based behavioral and social sciences have been applied to major public health concerns such as drug addition, HIV, cancer etc.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Essential Components of Cognitive–Behavior Therapy for Depression
By Persons, Jacqueline B.; Davidson, Joan; Tompkins, Michael A.
This APA book details the 5 basic components of cognitive–behavior in practice: individualized case formulation, session structuring, activity scheduling, using the thought record, and the schema change method.
Copyright: 2001 | Hardcover
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Personality Characteristics of Patients With Pain
Edited by Gatchel, Robert J.; Weisberg, James N.
This unique APA book presents a comprehensive review of advances in the field of pain and personality and highlights the important future directions of this field.
Copyright: 2000 | Hardcover
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Fear of Intimacy
By Firestone, Robert W.; Catlett, Joyce
This APA book was written for therapists as well as couples working to improve their interpersonal intimate relationships and is packed with various case studies and personal accounts.
Copyright: 1999 | Hardcover or Softcover
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How Clients Make Therapy Work: The Process of Active Self-Healing
By Bohart, Arthur C.; Tallman, Karen
In this provocative book, the authors debunk the medical model of the psychotherapist as healer who merely applies the proper nostrum to make the client well. Instead, they see the therapist as a coach, collaborator, and teacher who frees up the client’s innate tendency to heal.
Copyright: 1999 | Hardcover
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Making Diagnosis Meaningful: Enhancing Evaluation and Treatment of Psychological Disorders
Edited by Barron, James W.
This book explores criticisms of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders and proposes new ways of looking at the diagnostic and treatment activities of therapists.
Copyright: 1998 | Hardcover
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Emotion and Culture: Empirical Studies of Mutual Influence
Edited by Kitayama, Shinobu; Markus, Hazel Rose
This APA book examines the mounting evidence that emotions are not discrete ‘hardwired’ biological events, but are influenced and shaped through social, cultural, and linguistic processes.
Copyright: 1999 | Softcover
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Critical Thinking About Research: Psychology and Related Fields
By Meltzoff, Julian
This APA book equips readers with tools needed to understand, interpret, and critique research designs and methodology in psychology and related fields.
Copyright: 1998 | Softcover
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Creating Culturally Responsive Classrooms
By Shade, Barbara J.; Kelly, Cynthia; Oberg, Mary
Drawing on cognitive and educational research along with specific information about different ethnocultural groups, this book explores different cultures, styles of learning, and styles of behavior that today’s teachers will encounter among their students.
Copyright: 1997 | Softcover
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Resolving Social Conflicts and Field Theory in Social Science
By Lewin, Kurt
APA book that reissues 2 classic works: Resolving Social Conflicts and Field Theory in Social Science in one volume.
Copyright: 1997 | Softcover
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Manual of Diagnosis and Professional Practice in Mental Retardation
Edited by Jacobson, John W.; Mulick, James A.
This comprehensive manual is the ultimate consolidated source of major findings from psychological science and practice in the field of mental retardation.
Copyright: 1996 | Hardcover
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Religion and the Clinical Practice of Psychology
By Shafranske, Edward P.
This book presents a comprehensive treatment of religion as a variable in mental health and psychological treatment.
Copyright: 1996 | Hardcover
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Reading and Understanding Multivariate Statistics
Edited by Grimm, Laurence G.; Yarnold, Paul R.
This book helps researchers, students, and other readers of research to understand the purpose and presentation of multivariate techniques.
Copyright: 1995 | Softcover